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Bad timing, lucky bird


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Well, I am less than a week here and now apparently going to be gone again. I was intending to re-home a seven year old CAG from a family who had overextended itself. Yesterday, one of their cats died from an arterial thrombosis. This so devastated the family that they renewed their commitment to their pets and Russell (the bird) has been promised the life he deserves. I have kept my offer open, but it doesn't look like I'll be bringing home this particular Grey.


I must share, however.... I arrived here secretly hoping to be talked out of taking the parrot. I thought I would learn of the extensive work required, the subtle yet mandatory changes to my life I'd need to make, and the amount of time and effort I'd have to find and realize that perhaps it was not for me. I did learn all of those things, except they had the opposite effect. I am now, more than ever, convinced that these creatures are magical. Their unique personalities, their phenomenal capabilities and their souls are something I want to experience in my life. I even realized how gosh darn CUTE they are, with their little expressions. You have made a believer out of me.


So I am smitten. I'm pretty sure I'll be back. Thank you for sharing and extending your love.

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Hi krikkit. Sorry this one didn't work out for you. But you are right about these creatures being magical. :)


Yes, they are a lot of work. But after we got our grey, we discovered what an engaging presence he is in our home.

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Sorry for the situation. But believe you will find the bird that is meant to have its forever home with you. PLEASE STAY!! You do not have to be a bird owner to stay in this family. We have many members who haven't a bird, and we enjoy them!!

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Sorry this one didn't work out for you but if it was meant to be you will have your grey one day.

Please do stay and learn from all of us, as stated before you do not need to own a grey to be an active member here, just a genuine love is all and you have shown that and then when you do come across that grey of yours you will be prepared.

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I also want to add that at least one member here was able to adopt a grey into their family because the owner *knew* this person from being on here. Even the best and most loving owners sometimes end up in a position where they know that their much loved grey would be better off in a different, loving home. You just never know when the opportunity might present itself.

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Like the others say, you can stay and learn from the members here who have birds. It will mean you're more prepared when the grey that is meant for you enters your life. Hope Russel's family are able to give him the life he needs and deserves.

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Oh, believe me, I won't be ABLE to stay away. My husband, as I was reading the third page of the "Cognition" thread heaved an overly dramatic sigh and said, "It's not if, it's when, isn't it?" Heh heh heh. He's on board too.


I'm sure this board will serve to fill my daily grey dosage in the mean time. And yes! I agree - the better prepared the better.

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Hey, I don't have my grey yet. I may not for several months still--but I feel as much a part if this forum as anyone else. It's a great place to come and learn. Stick around so I can be in good company as an "eager future parront".

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I have only been on this forum for a couple of days, I don't have a gray yet either, well I do, but the breeder won't let him go until fully weaned. The more you learn before you get one, the better you will be and know what to expect. I wish you all the luck and love, don't give up. You will find the most supporting group of people here and you can feel the love as we all grow together.

I firmly believe the day you feel you know all there is to know about your babies, you should look again. Mine show me more everyday.

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