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Truth, Myth, Fact, Generalities ("REALITY!!!!")

Ray P

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I was not sure witch room to put this in so if you need to move this please do.


Corky our congo african grey and Cricket our blue front amazon are the focuse of this thread and how each came to be a part of our family.


I would like to go back to the beginning. My wife and I have had cockatiels continusuly for 39 years and we love them very much. Willie our oldest teil has been with us for over 21 years. We have had parakeets (budgies), finches, love birds, and doves on and off over the years, Corky our CAG hase been with us for 10 years and Cricket our BFA has been with us a little over 2 years.


This is about research and the amount of imformation out there.


When we got Corky imformation was hard to come by because there were some small books and I did not have a computer but the pet store that we bought Corky from had a great support system to help us get started. After I bought a computer i started to look up things about greys and what I read scared the hell out of me but the pet store that had Corky walked me throught and helped me socialize her.

Had I read all this first I might not have gotten her and I would have missed a great part of my life.


This now brings me to Cricket a BFA who had a very checkered past. We were asked to take her because of some family trouble and down sizeing. They found homes for all their birds except Cricket so I read every thing I could about zons and I said NO THANK YOU. I did not want a bird that I could not inter act with. Long story short when we took a trip to Florida we brought her back to Ohio.


Some times truth, myth, fact, and generalities get all mixed up and you have to take the time to sort out all the things you read and go back to basics.


Not enough research is bad and to much can clould your judgement if the imfo lacks truth and facts and than there is REALITY. That comes with time.

Edited by Ray P
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Great post Ray and so true!


If you research anything on the internet, you will find good information and information that is just down right wrong or not the norm. Many articles that have been written on each parrots personality put them in classifications that a new prospective owner may decide not to purchase a parrot (maybe a good thing) if the article they read is negative, such as for a grey or zon. Then they go buy a conure and are surprised when they get bit by the little hellion or a Too that is claimed to be such cuddle muffins and they take a horrendous bite. My thoughts on the info, is that each writer is describing their experience or generalities they have compiled on their own through stories heard from others. IN data like that, you can draw some conclusions on the general traits of a species, but also come away with untrue conclusions as well.


My thoughts are this. It takes at least two to Tango and the human dynamic is what each bird is responding to. If the human interacts with the bird in a certain way, it will in turn react in a certain way. Some things we all see are simply an instinctual behavior, some are individual personalities, likes, dislikes and how old the bird and how it was treated if residing in a previous home where the bird learned what humans are like, either monsters or kind loving people.


Unfortunately, we live in a society that buys what their whim is at the moment and when that whim happens to be an intelligent sentient being like a parrot and they do not like it's behavior, they dump it. Then we read all the negative garbage out there about that species.


In a nutshell, each critter is a reflection of the people that raised them or had them. If you don't like what you see reflected, then change YOUR behavior by paying attention to what the non-human creature is trying to tell you. :)

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Good post, Ray. You are so right.


It's good to research a potential new bird to evaluate how they might fit into your household. The internet is helpful. It was also helpful to hang out at the local bird specialty shop and talk to real people about their experiences. But it is possible to get into a "paralysis of analysis" over this. The main issue is do you have the time, commitment and patience to adapt, learn, and grow in a relationship with a parrot. If so, you and your parrot are going to evolve a unique relationship that is yours alone and may, or may not, resemble anything you read about on the internet.

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Great post! So much that is written about Zons and Greys seem to focus on Grey phobias and Zon aggression. I plan to get a grey soon, but I was very hesitant when I first started doing research. I thank goodness that I have had a chance to meet and handle greys, talk with bird owners, and participate in this forum. Like you said--the "REALITY" of the situation can be elusive, and we need to be open to discover it.

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In a nutshell, each critter is a reflection of the people that raised them or had them. If you don't like what you see reflected, then change YOUR behavior by paying attention to what the non-human creature is trying to tell you. :)


I like the last sentence best. It is so true. Our feathered friends try to communicate and tech us so many things and our awareness about world around us will let us listen to them and participate, or not. Guess the problem is that sometimes people don't even realize they are being spoken to..

Tnx guys for that reminder:-)

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