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New member considering a Grey

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Hi all!!! My wife and I have been considering adding a Grey to our family. We have been researching for almost a year now. We have had parakeets on and off for years now and know that it's night and day as far a Grey is concerned. But with the kids grown and out of the house, and us having more time these days figured it would be a great addition to get a baby Grey. Even with the kids gone, we have a busy household with family and friends visiting. We wish to raise our bird to be used to many people which in our situatution, will be easy. Of course we realize the first couple of days/weeks when we bring our baby home, should be spent getting him/her used to the new surroundings. We welcome any input as we are sure most newbies ask for. We truly want to make our Grey part of the family and network of friends. Thanks in advance for any input. Ian & Sharon

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Hello Ian and Sharon and welcome to our family, we are so glad to hear you are considering adding a grey to your flock. You are so right to do your homework before plunging into something that will be with you for a long long time.

I bet this is the empty nest syndrome as I speak from experience, the kids are gone and you want more to keep you company but make sure this is the right bird for you for it is a lifetime committment.

Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask those questions you are gonna have and we will help you in any way we can.

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  judygram said:
Hello Ian and Sharon and welcome to our family, we are so glad to hear you are considering adding a grey to your flock. You are so right to do your homework before plunging into something that will be with you for a long long time.

I bet this is the empty nest syndrome as I speak from experience, the kids are gone and you want more to keep you company but make sure this is the right bird for you for it is a lifetime committment.

Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask those questions you are gonna have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks for the welcome. We have been reading the forum for a few months and finally decided to sign up now as we have found a breeder not to far from us that has Greys available in a few weeks. We get to visit next weekend to see the babies. So excited, but have not committed yet until we see the aviary for ourselves. The breeder comes highly recommended, but seeing for ourselves will make or break our decision. We are in no rush at all but are enjoying the exploring and researching, well, I am (Ian). Sharon says I often over research....LOL. We live in Phoenix, AZ and the breeder is in Tucson. About an hour drive away. We have decided against shipping our baby, so we are bound to look within a days drive away. Again, if anyone has suggestions or breeder recommendations, we would welcome tht as well.

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Hi Ian and Sharon, I too have grown children with their own lives so am grateful for the companionship of my winged babies. They can certainly take up all your time and love. I have been searching for another grey, a CAG this time, and have finally found one in California. I live in Washington State. I know you will find the right grey for you and with the right socialization your new baby will grow with your friends and family as well. I am looking forward to traveling with you while you search for your grey. Welcome to the Grey family!

Edited by luvparrots
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So very sorry to hear about your loss AliAZ77. We have questioned a few Avian Vets in the Phoenix area for some referrals, but have yet to hear back from them. We want to be sure we are dealing with a reputable breeder and in our communications so far we feel comfortable. Still apprehensive until we get to tour the facility and see the babies. We have to wait till the 20th. So exciting going through the process. We will post our findings after we go and be sure to let you know.

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Have you heard of Dr. Kevin Wright and Dr. Jay Johnson at Arizona Exotic Animal Hospital? They are truly amazing, compassionate, and caring. Provided wonderful care to our little Linus and did everything they could. If you haven't already, they might be a resource to contact.

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We have a day off today and we contacted the breeder we are supposed to go to check out babies this Sunday and we are going today!!!! Breeder said he can see us today and let us tour the facility and visit the baby Greys. Not that we are in any rush but the suspense has been killing us....LOL. We will post later to let you all know how things went.

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Well, went to the breeders and got an 11 month old Congo Grey. Great disposition and the breeder spemt a couple of hours with us, showing us how the bird had been handled, what feed, all kinds of things and Graysea, thats what we named her, has been so good. First evening so we will update from here. Wish us luck!!! Pics to follow.

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She is beautiful and yes looks a mite cautious but yes that is to be expected so give her time to settle in and feel comfortable, allow her to set the pace of what she wants to do and talk to her softly telling her what you are doing. Love the name and how it is spelled, thanks for sharing the pic with us.

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Here are a few more pics with her cage. She likes on top of the dome but it has been difficult to get her down from there. Maybe a flat top cage is best?? We had to take a towell and try to get her, but she did the up up command on a stick when she saw the towell. Any suggestions, only day two and we don't want to expet too much. Thanks for the advice and kind comments!!





Edited by Fleafish
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  Fleafish said:
Here are a few mor pics with her cage. She likes on top of the dome but it has been difficult to get her down from there. Maybe a flat top cage is best. We had to take a towell and try to get her, but she did the up up command on a stick when she saw the towell. Any suggestions, only day two and we don't want to expet too much. Thanks for the advice and kind comments!!






Hi, can't see the pictures.

Btw, u can use towel to get graysea down. Then when he is down, train the bird to do the up comand

Step up should become the bird 2nd nature. Like u put your hand, the bird is automatically step up

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Thanks, Lino. The towel worked as soon as she saw it she got up on a stick. We praised her lots. Still getting used to her new home and hasn't really eaten, but noticed some food on the bottom of the cage so appears as though she is at least picking through it. Been putting bowl of apples, carrots and spinach in her cage but hasn't really touched that. Still getting used to her new home we are guessing. This morning she was very vocal, whistling, just noises in general. She appears to be getting more comfortable each day. We are going to wait to really start training her for a few more days.

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Mine too. She just start to show her apetite.

Is greysea aggressive? Will she bite?


Mine will not step up on the hand and will attack my hand.

So i was thought to take a red towel to slowly towel him up.

There's a technic in towelling him so that he won't be too stressed.


Whenever the bird bite, or refuse to step up, I towel him and bring him out of the cage.

Outside the cage I will repeat the up n down comand to make stepping up is an automatic reaction.

It only take 3 times of towelling that he understand that he should not bite and should step up.

Subsiquently I teach the meaning of nonwith the help of the towel.


It sound cruel. This is the 1st time i try this method.but actually the result is good.

As long as done carefully it won't hurt the bird. It actually bring the bird to understand his boundry and obedience rule.

SHe come from a house where every single person n pet scared of her and that went on for more than 4 years. So she is very bossy and would try to dominate everyone.


I won't actually recomend the method to everyone, even it's "proven" by my trainer friend, I only tried it once, and that was with a adult bird.( usually 5-6yo grey have much more stable state of mind)


May b for greysea, you can take it slowly as he is still young and she look like she is not aggressive.

Btw, greysea looks really big. She look like really macho. Is she on the bigger side of the range?

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How old is your Grey, lino? Greysea was actually the smallest of the three birds around the same age we looked at. About 11 months old by her tag. It's my first evening alone with her since my wife is working late. So I opened up the cage and was glad to see she ate a bit. I let her climb up the top while I cleaned the cage talking to her all the time. I put fresh food in and was coaxing her to go back but she took an agressive stance which I paid no attention to, backing off slowly. My wife does not have the fear of a bite as I do. I have to get over that. But Greysea is nice and comfy right now on her cage.

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My grey is 5-6 years old. I think mine is belong to the smaller side.

She is only 421 gram.


Actually grey can sense our fear and will bite even more If we fear them.

The previous owner of this My grey is afraid of the grey from there the bird start to dominate and get aggressive.


Grey bite can be painful, but it is so much better then the amazon.

Does greysea learn to talk already?


Hm. May be shouldn't let he play in the top cage for the time being as it might encourage territorial issue and dominance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Graysea has been doing fine but the last few days, she has been an absolute nightmare getting her out of her cage. At first we use to open the door and out she would come and would let us "Up Up" her with some hesitancy from the top of her cage. Then we got her to "Up Up" from inside the cage with some reluctance. but now, she won't budge and constantly nips whenever my wife or I put our hand in the cage. I was persistant last night but she just kept nipping harder and harder until I gave up. I know enough not to flinch but the last few nips hurt!!!..LOL. Any suggestions?? We have had her just over two weeks and the wife just says give her more time but it is my feeling Graysea is testing the waters as far as her dominance and feel we should keep at it and even employ the use of the dreaded towel to get her out of the cage. Would appreciate any input.

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Graysea is testing the waters


Yes she is and one thing I want to tell you is stop trying to get her out of the cage, allow her to come out on her own, some birds view their cage as their safe zone and do not like hands stuck inside, she will come out of the cage on her own time and of her own accord. Never try to get her out of the cage by a towel unless it is a matter of life or death like the house on fire. She is having a little bit of a control problem and the more you try to get her out the more she digs in to stay inside but just give her some time and be patient, you will find patience is your best friend in dealing with a grey.

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