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Now he wont go on his cage at all


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My Boyfriends CAG is a few years ago and like the rest of us likes things on his own terms ..... and has been allowed to get his own way ... so havin g read some good books that OldMolly from this group recommended realised he needed training ..... big time ... and so it began


He will not go onto anyones hand at all ...except my boyfriends .... but not on demand ... only if it suits him in ..... consequently he cannot be put into his cage so he has had free reign ..... and spending ALL his time apart from when on our knees on top of his cage


We learned that one of the things to do is to move the cage to a new part of the room because he has not had any change since he was a baby ....5 years ago ..... so we moved it .... just a few feet


Since then ( a week ago) ...... he will not go on his cage at all except to eat or play with a new toy i got him ..... instead at bed time he wanders around on the carpet at bedtime in the area where his cage used to be .....

then he ends up on top of the curtain rail well out of reach ..... and there he stays all night ... and all day it seems ... apart from eating now and again or sitting on our knees ....


When my boyfriend comes down in a morning he is up there, when he leaves for work he is up there and when he gets back he is still there .....no sign he ever came down


While he is up there he seems ok ... preening ... pecking wallpaper .....

and doing happy body language (I think) ...... but he isnt doing much talking now ...... not like him


SO what to do ...... have we made him more insecure by doing this ....

shoyuld we put his cage back ... or stick it out ..... and has anyone else experienced this ... and what was the outcome


He needsa to get used to change and going in his cage and being handled as we hope to bring him to my house as I am home much more than my b/f and so have much more time to give him


Help please


Thanks alot .

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  • 8 months later...

Looks like you have a spoiled kid lol. I'm thinking war.. Fire with fire if he wants to be a brat then when he wants up on either one of you two. Don't let him. Show him that the respect needs to be equal and he won't get what he wants until he starts listening. Deprive him only a little of attention and toys. Of course not food or water.

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Guest Monique

Greys are very picky. You probably did alarm him by moving his cage. If you want him in it more I would move him back. He needs to be regularly interacted with (put in and taken out of the cage or elsewise handled daily).


Greys are not social butterflies and are usually one person birds at maturity. So, ideally he will tolerate being handled by more than one person ... but most likely he is only going to tolerate it ... if he has bonded to another person and they are still in his life.


I am sure you have gotten some links w/more detail so I won't ramble too much :), but I would have your boyfriend start with a basic routine as far as time in the cage and start doing some step up training.


Good luck!

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