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Im confused after reading .. Is it safe to use pvc to build playstand or not?

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Sorry guys, My eyes hurt after looking at all the succesful project pictures of playstands made from pvc on the forums here.Every now and then I see sopmeone is professing that pvc is detrmimental to Greys and that we are only to use CPVC ( the brown stuff right?) .. Id really like to use regular pvc if its ok, but if its going to pose a threat to Chloie ill def use the brown stuff.

Thanks In advance.

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I use PVC on tons of the bird toys I make and sell on eBay... and have been using it for years on my babies toys. I also know many who use PVC for stands and toys because it's the only thing that will stand up to a macaw or 'too. I have also read that PVC can be bad for birds... but I have read more that it is safe.

I guess it's kind of like those random studies on humans that say one week that cell phones are bad for you, and the next week it's perfectly fine. Til I see some hardcore evidence that PVC is bad, I'll keep using it :) Use you're better judgement, if it makes you feel more comfortable to use the CPVC for Chloie, then go for it :)

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I have read the same thing (on this forum too) that PVC can be harmful , but my grey does not have direct contact with the stand I made for his boing and atom. I did cover it in vet wrap though in case he climbs up on it. For the shower perch I did use CPVC, it is more expensive though, especially when you go bigger. I don't remember weather it was just being in contact with the PVC or if they chew on it, that supposedly made it harmful. But I guess its not true?? if others use it with no problems.

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PVC is used in water pipes, toys, packaging & medical applications. Many organizations including Greenpeace would like to see it end up on the same list as DDT & for some of the same reasons. The biggest similarity being organochlorines.


According to Wikipedia

"Some types of organochlorides have significant toxicity to plants or animals, including humans. Dioxins, produced when organic matter is burned in the presence of chlorine, and some insecticides such as DDT are persistent organic pollutants which pose dangers when they are released into the environment. For example, DDT, which was widely used to control insects in the mid 20th century, also accumulates in aquatic food chains. Because the body is not able to break down or dispose of it, and it interferes with calcium metabolism in birds, there were severe declines in some bird predator populations.


When chlorinated solvents, such as carbon tetrachloride, are not disposed of properly, they accumulate in groundwater. Some highly reactive organochlorides such as phosgene have even been used as chemical warfare agents.


However, the presence of chlorine in an organic compound does not ensure toxicity. Many organochlorides are safe enough for consumption in foods and medicines."




I can't quote the source because I couldn't find it again. But I seem to remember reading somewhere that depending on the application, something like 60% of a PVC product may be additives which are either mixed in to change the physical properties as needed or surface coating.


Some of the chemicals found in PVC are


* Arsenic

* Bromine

* Calcium

* Chlorine

* Copper

* Iron

* Lead

* Manganese

* Silver

* Strontium

* Tin

* Titanium

* Zinc


That list is from http://toxipedia.org/display/toxipedia/PVC The article is worth reading for a few reasons. Maybe not fun exactly, but relatively short & not as hard to understand as some of these things can be.

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I'm confused, too. On top of all the confusion already, I recently read that some plastics are safe and some are not based on the PROCESS by which they are made. So two products may look exactly the same but one is unsafe and one is safe.


Apparently consumers are all over this, though (which is a good thing!), because at least here in Los Angeles, you see more and more glass food storage containers in the stores.


Good luck with this and thank you for caring enough about your bird to try to figure this issue with plastics out!

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I made Dixie's first playstand out of PVC (water grade) and then wrapped it with vet wrapped and then wrapped that with cotton rope. She can't get near the pvc, but she loves to play on it, climb, sit, sleep and run others off of. All joints are put together without glue and then vet wrapped, rope wrapped and thus not coming apart. I've seen plenty of other toys/stands made of water grade pvc, I believe it's the ingesting of pvc which would be dangerous.



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