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Our Little Budha, Linus


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Linus was a very special little man, who's life ended way to short, after one year. In that year, he gave us smiles, laughs, joy, tears, and a lot of life lessons. For a Grey, he was very friendly, to anyone and everyone. He would step up, whistle, and ask to be scratched from a variety of different people, even strangers. He made our friends and family, laugh and smile, especially when he would try and say "charge" to our whistle prompt (see videos on photobucket).

In the end, he just wanted to love us, and be loved. He licked Alissia's tears away, and gave us lots of kisses.

He will be missed and we will remember all of the beautiful, wonderful moments we had with him.

Thank you Linus, for chosing us, coming into our lives and loving us. We will always love and remember you.


Noelle and Alissia



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I am so sorry for your terrible loss. Please know that you gave this precious bird the best life he could have. It was cut way too short, but he was a special bird that was needed in the great beyond over the rainbow bridge. Thank you for posting this. I know it is painful. :(

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Thank you...every day gets a little easier. Linus is an inspiration to me...he taught me about unconditional love and friendliness, living life in the moment and fearlessly, making the most out of every day. I can only hope to do the same during the time that I have left!

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