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hi, thanks a million for the warm welcome.


actually i have joined this forum about 2 years ago. but decided not to get a gray as i dont want to get and abandond and i think my skill on parrot are not quiet there to handle a gray.

so now i think i have enough experience on gray, so i decided to get one.


the one i got was a problematic bird. with quiet a bad territorial and biting behaviour. but learning new phrase incredibly quick and not a shy bird at all. will talk where ever he is.

what best, he some how know the meaning of the words. like when he have a bad fall( he is severely clipped) he will recover and tell everyone that he is fine...."hey i am fine, i am fine"


quiet an interesting character. but need to work on the territorial and biting behavior. i am sure with help from the expert here, i can get him accept me well.


btw, any sugestion on the name to give him? i am trying to get a name that has no "r" in it

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Posssible names*****no *Rs*


Sunny--- ---Paco---- Floyd--- Skye ---- Poncho--- Taz --- --- Ozzie--- Buffy --- ---Joey --Maxi ----Dusty ----Sammy---- Gumby ---- Cisco ----Paddy -----Buster---- Sunshine---- ---- Moonshine -------- Sweetie ---- Tazzy------ Petey---- Juan ----- -----Tweets ----Keiko---Cody---- Okie ----------Minnie ----- ----- ----Kiwi ----- Sunny ----- ----Tino----- Buddy---- Angel ------Yuska -------Zelda ----Tookie ----- Zoey -----Jax----- Ricky------Mokie-----Coco -----Penny----- Molly ------ Peaches -----Candy -----Ozzy------ Bandit --

------Tango------ Sweet Pea ------ Hogan ------ Sophie-----Elvis ------ Sweet Pea -----Nibbles-----------Mickey---- ----- Dusty------ Belle

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Hi Lino, not from Singapore but have been there and seen your wonderful Salt Water Aquarium and Singapore Botanic Gardens. Once you get to know your grey, I'm sure a the right name will pop right into your head. I look forward to hearing more about your grey and seeing some pictures when you get a chance! Welcome to the Grey family!

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Hello Lino and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you have a grey. Why not tell us more about this grey, his/her name, is it a rescue or rehomed grey and so forth so we can get to know you and your grey better.

I am in the USA but we may have other members from Singapore.

Would you share some pictures of your grey with us as we would love to see him/her.

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hi, thank judy for the warm welcome.


the bird is rehome bird. his name is prudy and is 5 year old

he is a fantastic talker, and he talk everywhere. unlike other grey that i meet, who is generally quiet, this bird talk and talk and talk. even in the taxy when i am bringing him home.


he start talking immediately when he reach my house

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He is a cutie and I see he has been clipped, are you going to allow his wings to grow out? Thanks for indulging us with some pictures.

Hi judy, ya, the wing is severely clipped.

It's clipped about 12 feather I think and he would fall like a rock.


And yup, I m letting him regrow the wing and learn to fly.

He has never learn to fly before


All my birds are not clip and some of them is recall trained.


Hopefully the grey will ever be able to fly

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys, I decided to name her amigo, and call migo in short

She is now responding very well to me

So far, I manage to train him to do shake hand, wave good bye, and flap the wing as hard as possible on command.

With this I hope she will tone up some muscle to prepare her when her Wing regrow.


However, I need sone advise on the name

She already know her old name and would repeat it. She also can make some of the sneeze sound that I really find it not cute. How do is remove the words or any sound that he make?


She also start becoming very very cuddly at night in her cage. She would puff the feather and bend down her head and let me cuddle her. But in the day time or outside the cage, she never want to do that.

How do I get her a little more cuddly in the day time?


Thanks alot guys

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I like the new name and as she uses it more and more she will say her old name less and less. About repeating sounds you do not like to hear just ignore them for you cannot make her not say them but in time she will do it less if you just don't react in any way to it.

Lots of greys are not cuddly at all and some do so at night when they are getting tired and ready for bed, count yourself lucky that she will do even that but don't expect her to do it during the day, you cannot make her do anything she doesn't want to so learn to love what she gives you.

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I like the new name and as she uses it more and more she will say her old name less and less. About repeating sounds you do not like to hear just ignore them for you cannot make her not say them but in time she will do it less if you just don't react in any way to it.

Lots of greys are not cuddly at all and some do so at night when they are getting tired and ready for bed, count yourself lucky that she will do even that but don't expect her to do it during the day, you cannot make her do anything she doesn't want to so learn to love what she gives you.

thanks judy,


i totally love what she did

the way she getting closer to me its really inteligent. she dont just interect with me because of food. she really observe my doing.

i have been bringing her out with me. at first she is very very nervous. now she is kind of looking forward to see the world out there.

she know whenever i am going out. whenever i carry a bag and wear trousers, she will get excited.

when me and my sis loughing in my living room, she will lough out loud too to tell us she wants to be involved.

since she is locked at home for entire life, i think its time for her to see and enjoy outdoor life.


i also manage to get her to eat kaytee natural, zupreem natural,and herrison. the pellet suply is not constant here. so heve to let amigo accept alot of type of pellet.


soon i willbe training her to accept harness so i can still bring her out when she regrow her flight.


another breakthrough for today.

amigo is usually always nasty to my other bird

but today, i was a little careless. tiki, my greencheek cinnamon conure go near amigo without me noticing it. the moment i know tiki was too near to amigo, i was shock.

migo was preening tiki

i dont know when migo start accepting, but he did accept tiki already.


actually i also feel very lucky that my journey with migo went too smooth. i cant complain more !


i will update on here again

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i was watching some show in my computer. amigo was perching on his perch just right beside me. so i just ignore her and continue watching.

out o sudden,she bend down her head and ask for cuddle. she enjoy it so much !


now she alwasy ask for cuddle before stepping up on my hand

here's some picture of her getting cuddled




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