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changing name


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hi lino...

when Dexter came to me his original name was "twixie", and lets just say I didnt care for it. So I decided on a name, and called him "twixie Dexter" for a few weeks, and then dropped the "twixie"... worked like a charm. he responds well to his new name.

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hi lino...

when Dexter came to me his original name was "twixie", and lets just say I didnt care for it. So I decided on a name, and called him "twixie Dexter" for a few weeks, and then dropped the "twixie"... worked like a charm. he responds well to his new name.

That's the exact way to do it. Works just as well on dogs too!

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new name decided !!

i will name him smooky


i will start calling him that when he fully sattle in my house. even though he is talking well, he is not eating very very well yet.

he eat very little and have not accept my hand in his cage. its difficult to get him out of the cage. so i usually will open the door and wait


most of the time, he will just sit on his pearchs and do nothing.

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Thats a cute name, Smooky it is.

Don't worry about him coming out right now as he will when he feels comfortable enough to, never try to force yourself on a grey, you need to be respectful of their space and when he is ready to interact he will let you know.

If he is not eating too much maybe he isn't being offered the kind of foods he was used to, do you know what types of foods he was eating at his previous home?

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Thats a cute name, Smooky it is.

Don't worry about him coming out right now as he will when he feels comfortable enough to, never try to force yourself on a grey, you need to be respectful of their space and when he is ready to interact he will let you know.

If he is not eating too much maybe he isn't being offered the kind of foods he was used to, do you know what types of foods he was eating at his previous home?



Thanks judygram

I'm still calling him his old name. I don't want to change his name yet as he seem to have difficulties sattling down.


However, I think this bird is a she.

I just read up on the sexing and find that she has the grayish line on her red tail. So I have to start calling her instead of him.


The other update is she start eating her pellet and sunflower seeds.

She start to show her appetite and empty the bowl every afternoon

She start taking food from my hand.

The funny thing is, she will take the food from my hand and she will suddenly realise that it was from my hand, then she will not take it anymore.

But today seems like she start wanting to interact with me.


This morning I was doing some worm up. To be precise, i was doing jumping jack.

She saw me and lift up her wings and left leg and start rocking her body. Doing something cockatoo like to do. Didnt know that grey can do it too .


Even she is still nervous and have just started eating, talking has never been an issue for her. She has just pick up the phrase

"hey, I miss you" the words that I say every time I come home.

She also pick the words "come on" and "up up"


Never know grey can be this exciting.


Will update u guys with more exciting progress again.

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Its nice to hear that everything is coming around so quickly and that your grey is getting comfortable in her new home. I would love to see a video of Smooky's exercise routine (and yours too if you want).


Hi, thanks luvparrotd. Yea I will try to video some when I manage to get her dance on command.

Yea, this bird is progressing every day.


This morning he say " where u going" before I go to school

No one teaches her that

I was totally surprised too!


Am I going to be surprised everyday?


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I'm not too sure what have happen. But yesterday morning my grey refuse to take food from my hand

Today, she refuse to take food from my hand and refuse any interaction with me

She just Wana b left alone.


She still eat well and the poop is in a correct shape.

She just suddenly hate me over the night.

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Your grey does not hate you but the honeymoon phase may be over now and her true personality is showing, means you have to still offer her treats and do what it takes to earn her trust, this may take quite a while depending on her past but it is not an affront to you.

Sit by her cage and talk to her and don't force her to do more than she is comfortable with right now, be patient with her and she will come around, most rehomed greys will react this way at first, give her lots of attention and let her know you are not going to hurt her. A grey's trust has to be earned as it is not freely given but the rewards are greyt.

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Thanks judygram.

This grey is one of the most challenging bird I ever cone across.


She now start her aggression behaviour. When I tried to offer her sunflower seed, she bite my finger instead of the seeds

. This bird originally is aggressive one and is the alpha on human. The previous owner terrified by her.


Btw, I meet another grey owner who just stay a few unit away.

His grey called smokie.


So I think I am not naming mine the same name.

I would name it amigo, will call her migo.

I will change his name when he is confortabld at home

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She may not really be aggressive just domineering and she has learned to get the upper hand with her previous owner because they were scared of her, if you show you are scared of her then she will dominate you too, watch her behavior and learn her body language as it will tell you a lot about how she is feeling at the moment.

If you are confident around her then she will learn you are not afraid of her, I know the bites hurt but when she learns she doesn't get her way by biting then she will stop doing it so frequently, gain her trust and then you can work on making her understand that biting is not acceptable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings, It's always wonderful to hear of some one re-homing a Grey and is willing to pursue the task of renewal. Joey, one of our rescues, is just now coming out of the closet after being with us for around two years +. Depending on the type of conditions and the possibility of unintended or intended abuse, the advise you received of "Taking it easy" and "Going slow" is imperative. Let him move at his own pace and let him force himself on you. Heed all the advice that has been given... Concerning the name change; please wait awhile before pursuing that endeavor. With Joey, we didn't know his name and started calling him Jim (James Kirk) because our other Grey's name is called Spock. After three or four months, he turned to me one day and said quote "I'm Joe. Not Jim." Sometimes their name is their link to everything they trust because they know it is theirs and a constant in an changing world and new environment. I have found this to happen in many instances..not always...but depending on the willingness of the parrot. Sit back in a different room and listen to what he says to himself. A Grey does most of the talking when no one else is around. He will tell you of his past life, his fears, likes and dislikes. When we were not around, Joey would say things like "Are you going to feed me today?" or "I'm hungry" all of which related to his previous life. Let time work its wonders. If I might mention, the grey line in his red tail feathers sounds to me like it could be a stress line due to improper nutrition or stressful conditions in his previous home. The only way to sex a Grey with any kind of certainty is to have a DNA test. Try to make sure to give your new companion an almond a day because it has the highest content of calcium and EFA's (essential fatty acids) and natural or artificial UVB lighting daily. This is the only way a Grey gets Vitamin D3. Add lots of dark green leafy veggies to his diet and only small chunks of fruit a few times a week.

Thank you and keep up with the greyt work. These greyt "Parronts" on the Grey Forum all have wonderful advice to give.


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thanks jay,

things geting slower with amigo.


she didnt learnt anything new, but she is getting tamer and more comfortable at home.

i bring her out more often. like just go down the market or go some of the bird gethering(fellow parrot lover spent time together and socialise their birds)


she is getting used to outdoor activity and start enjoying it too


about the name, she start responding to her new name. i will take it slowly and let her do it at her pace....

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