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Rope toys


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How many of you use rope toys in the cage, unsupervised? I'm very scared of leaving Klaus alone with one because I'm worried his toe will get caught and he'll be stuck. I do allow him to play with rope under supervision.

Am I being paranoid?

I see lots of nice cage toys that I pass up because they have rope.


Thanks again!

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I use the rope toys, but, not in the cage. Talon has a few she plays with on her play stands, and I have seen her get her foot stuck many times, and one time got her head stuck, and needed my help to rescue her. So. I don't think you are being overprotective, just a very conscientious mommy! B)

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I dont have any rope toys, i have hanging bungees that are made from sisal rope but have never had a problem with them.

There is always the danger of toes getting caught & i did have this happen with one on my cockatiels,he had got his toe caught & the thread had tangled round his foot,He had flapped about making it worse.My husband had to hold him while i painstakenly had to cut the thread away which was very tightly wrapped around his foot & toes.


So please supervise your birds with rope toys ;)

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Monique, is it the coiled type? If it is, those are very safe. Talon has those everywhere in our house, and I've only replaced 1 in the last 2 years, and that's only because the ends came off the holders.

It's the hanging loose ones that are of concern.

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