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Found grey sacramento, ca


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The poor dear, she found him in the nick of time since that hawk would eventually have had him for dinner, I hope the owner is looking for him and they are reunited soon. Try getting in touch with these sites I have included as they might be able to help.





Edited by judygram
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Me too...I can't imagine losing AnnaBella...I really hope the owners are looking for him. Do you know what they should do with him if nobody claims him?


Find out if your friend's daughter wants the bird and if she does, just keep the bird with you and teach her how to handle it or just take the bird in and keep it and give it a home.

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Very happy ending! We went to the school where Afie (the Grey) was hanging out. He is such a lover! Anyway, I got him

into the carrier. We went to the apartment complex that was close by. In the mail room was a flyer advertising a lost Grey. We called the number and the lady came and got him. It couldn't have gone smoother. He did seem to have an injury to his wing...possibly one of his feet. The lady was so happy to get him back. She gave us a reward...we're going to give it to the school. He had been missing for 3 days...she thought he may not have survived the cold weather...but he's ok. Anyway, just thought I'd share. I'm so glad we found the owner.

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This is the kind of happy news that I like to read. Congrats on finding the owner. What a stroke of luck Alfie was found. All of you are guardian angels. His family must be estatic with celebration on his return. Thank you so much for your part in this and for sharing it with us.

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