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Nail care


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Hey, Happy Friday everyone!

I'm looking for some feedback on nail care. The man we bought our grey from advised not to use pumice perches as they irritate the skin on the feet. He advised we use an emery board. I use two emery boards (one for Klaus to play with while I try to do a nail with the other). I'm lucky to get in 5 seconds of emery boarding before Klaus moves, or throws his emery board down so he can grab mine.

How have you all been dealing with nail care?


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Hi Laurie, I have had to have Talon's nails trimmed 3 times already, she will chew on them sometimes if she is bored, and they can get razor sharp. I try the emery board, and have the same luck as you.

Maybe someone here has better advice.:S

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I have not had to trim Kip's nails yet. If she walks on a flat surface the nails do not lift the front of her foot pads so I know they are not too long. They are sharp, but they are supposed to be sharp to help them hold onto things when climbing etc. She does have a cement type perch in her cage that is supposed to help keep the nails in check. Interestingly, we have never had to trim the nails of our Amazon that we have had now for 37 years. Through playing and maintenance the bird does on his own they are always fine. Kip does do some maintenance on her nails a few times/week, but I would not call it "chewing" on them at all. I know some people have real challenges with the nails, but I have not yet.<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/09/01 04:02

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I have 2 cement or rough perches but Josey's nails are very sharp, I have scratches on my shoulders and arms to prove it. I don't want to have to take her in for a trim too often so I am going to have to start doing it myself with an emery board. She does not use the perches enough I guess or her nails wouldn't be so sharp.

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