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Back from a looooong vacation!


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Good Morning/afternoon everyone :)


Well, it has been awhile since Sully and I posted last. It's been a very hard past few months. If you remember, my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer in June of 2010, and Sully played a key role in holding me together :) Then, my husband and I went through a separation from December until a couple of weeks ago. I had to leave Sully behind with him because where I went to stay is a smoker's house, and I didn't want to expose Sully to the smoke.


I came and visited Sully every other day, and thankfully, my husband took pretty good care of him while I was away... There were days where his cage was filthy, but overall, he was happy, well-fed, and played with :) Anyway, We are all back at home now, and I'm re-doing the apartment. I know greys are really resistant to change and tend to stress about it, so I was wondering your thoughts on waiting to re-arrange, paint, move Sully's cage. I've been home about a week and a half, and he's adjusting quite well to me being here all the time again :) However, I wonder if the stress of me being gone, coming back, and his environment changing all in the span of three months may be too much for him?




Oh- and it's good to be back :) I've enjoyed catching up on everyone :)

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I think Sully will be fine if you handle it right, let him know what you are doing for they understand more than what we give them credit for and take it easy around him. They usually don't handle change very well but if you go slowly, talk to him and give him time to adjust then it shouldn't be a problem.

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Thanks :)


Sully is doing quite well actually :) He's picked up a lot of new sounds... water droplets, tons of different whistles (including the first few whistles from the Snow White's "Someday"--Don't ask lol) and sneezes, coughs and other tweets the other birds have taught him :) Still, no words yet. He's just passing his 10 Month birthday... So we're hoping for his first word very soon.

Our Sun Conure Zoe, who we trained to "go potty" now calls me by the name "go potty".. something I hope Sully doesn't start to call me, lol. I prefer anything to that name :)


Anyway, It's good to be back :) I'll post some new pictures soon!

Thanks for the advice :)

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