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Looking for some advice


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Hi everyone, not sure if I'm posting in the right area but I really need some advice.


My mum died last summer leaving her lovely 9(ish)yr old african grey, called Gizmo. My brother was looking after him but I found out he wasn't looking after him properly, so I have taken him. I have looked after him before for 3 months and have helped my mum care for him so do have a little experience.

Now that I have him here though I'm suddenly scared that I'm going to do something wrong, I don't have my mum to call to ask any questions anymore.


So just now my main worries are:


How much should he drink every day? He drinks from a water bottle.

How long before I can let him out? He has been here for 2 days, it feels cruel not to let him out but I'm scared its too soon.


I know he's missing my mum, he loved her very much. For the last 3 months of her life I had taken over all his care up until my mum died and he went to my brothers. Gizmo had started to do those special things for me, e.g. regurgitate : ) As soon as he arrived here he started doing them to me again, do you think he remembers me even though its been 8 months?


Any advice is greatly appreciated.



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Debbie, I can assure you he remembers you as they don't easily forget someone. Thanks so much for taking him into your home when you realized your brother wasn't giving him what he needs. It will take time for him to get over not seeing your mum any longer but it sounds like he really likes you a lot.

They drink some but not a whole lot of water, if you have provided him with a source of water he will drink what he needs, just make sure it is clean and change it often.

Why don't you go ahead and allow him to come out of the cage on his own, since he is already familiar with you he should do just fine and don't be nervous or he will sense it, just relax and enjoy Gizmo.

I would love to see some pictures of him if you have some you would share with us.

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I found out from my brother that Gizmo would not leave the door of his cage whenever he let him out, so wasn't sure how he would be. I was pleasantly surprised : )

I let Gizmo out and all was well. After having a look around he decided he wanted to sit on back of the sofa, think he wanted to be close to where everyone was. I'm qiute happy with him doing that but get nervous when he flies as I'm worried he'll fly into something and hurt himself. He did fly across the room and land on my sons toy ambulance but climbed down and just walked across the floor. He also happily climbed onto my sons hand, so maybe I'll have a go at letting him on my hand tomorrow. The main problem was getting him back in the cage!


Tomorrow I'm going to let him out during the day for a bit longer, and he's getting a bath : )


Thanks for the encouragement, I'm sure I'll have lots more questions to follow : )


I've got a couple of pictures but they are a couple of years old, I'll take some new ones soon and post them.


gizmo 2.jpg

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Gizmo is a beautiful boy--thank you so much for sharing your pictures! I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, but it sounds as though Gizmo has finally come into the best hands he could, considering... and like everyone else has said, yes, he certainly would remember you and your previous kindnesses to him. :)

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My condolences on the loss of your mother.


I believe Greys have an excellent memory and they remember those who show their love to them. Gizmo will know and remember all the love and care you gave him while you were with your mom. Dixie has chosen my husband as hers and he travels, a lot. Last year he was gone for 6 months, and even though he was gone, the minute he got home to her, she went back to him as if he had never left. Enjoy Gizmo and all the love he is sharing with you and your family.



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