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unhealthy feathers?


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If no one minds I'd like to say a few things concerning Palm Oil and Aloe Juice,


First off, I agree 1000% with Dan. Even though many birds don't like being cleaned, as he said

"""""The bottom line is, whether they like it or not, it's gonna happen"""""


Because birds are difficult, some people sort of bypass thorough cleaning. Some birds bite and don't like being cleaned which is understandable. Not everyone is willing to be nipped at. Also understandable. I feel the same as Dan. A long time ago, I realized that I had to bypass their attitude and do what they didn't like. To be truthful, I' ve taken bites which doesn't bother me cause I'm used to getting bitten at times.I developed my own cleaning method and it works both for me and my birds. Eventually, the biting became just half hearted squawks and even that has lessened.Others have methods that work for them.


No matter how pissed off my birds seemed to get, when I perched them after a bath, they all seemed like each had smoked a high quality joint and were in La La land.



Red Palm Oil.......there is no shelf life. It will always stay good until the last drop (Copyright--Maxwell House Coffee)


I included a picture of what I do. I Buy 16 ounce jars from a vitamin/health food dealer. The price is $5.99 per bottle. Shipping is a flat $1.00 per bottle. The company I 've dealt with for years is called Swanson Health Products. The place can be looked up on the PC and the item plus price can be seen.


The reason it lasts a long time is because very little is used. Some feed it every day..some feed it 2 or 3 times a week. It really doesn't matter. I would recommend that if someone has a bird who has chronic feather problems it should be used with each feeding.


This is what I do---the picture will help


I take an empty seasoning bottle, scrub it out, and fill it up with oil. I put the large bottle away. After about 2 days, you'll see the oil in the seasoning bottle start to get thick and change into a bland orange color. I then take the seasoning bottle and put it in the microwave for about 30 to 45 seconds until the oil changes back to red and can be seen through the bottle. The oil is very thin at that point.


In the picture you see a paint brush...I take the pointed end and stick it in the oil and let it drip out (15 to 20 drops) onto a small amount of pellets. The pellets absorb the oil. Eventually, the bird eats the pellets. Voila! The bird has palm oil in it's system.


If there is any confusion about the size of the seasoning bottle, please contact Grandpa Joe on this board. He's a professional chef.



PS-a side note ..I'm gonna admit it..I'm the man that Judygram is having a torrid affair with. She's too shy to speak about the exotic things we've experienced so far. YES definitely, Judy is an excellent teacher but as you know, it takes two to tango so I'll tell you right now..Im an excellent student. I had no inhibitions and that made her lessons so successful.






Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/09/26 00:16


Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/09/26 01:32<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/09/26 01:34

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Well, I picked up the A.J. at Wal-Mart on my way home and first thing gave the baby his bath. At first I tried doing it while he was on his cage but as soon as he realized what was going on he took off, so then it was into the bathtub. He was NOT a happy camper...he was attacking the spray bottle every chance he got. After he got his temper tantrum out of his system he was a little more compliant...he would only go after the sprayer if it was in beaks reach. After he was all done with his bath he was right back to his happy self, and to tell you the truth, he actually seemed a bit happier than usual. I think he may just start to enjoy bath time.



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Thank You MrSpock (Dave)!! VERY informative and detailed Post.


You Wrote:


"""I take an empty seasoning bottle, scrub it out, and fill it up with oil. I put the large bottle away. After about 2 days, you'll see the oil in the seasoning bottle start to get thick and change into a bland orange color. I then take the seasoning bottle and put it in the microwave for about 30 to 45 seconds until the oil changes back to red and can be seen through the bottle. The oil is very thin at that point."""


Maybe I am reading too much into this, but I have a question. :-)


When you say you fill the Seasoning Bottle up with PO that is, I guess, a fresh bottle that the Oil is still liquified rather than a butter consistency.


You use the Brush on this Day and drip the PO onto Pellets. But, then you Microwave the Seasoning Bottle because it has now become "Paste" to liquify it again, then you wait two days before using it?


Am I understanding this correctly? Do you leave the Seasoning Bottle at room temperature and it stays in an oil consistancy for a few days?


I'm sure once I receive my PO it will become clear, but right now I must just be thick headed :laugh:

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This is what happens to palm oil....When it's originally purchased, it looks like a washed out orange color. It's also somewhat thick. The secret is to take that original bottle and run hot sink water on it until the upper part of the oil starts to melt into a reddish color. That means that the palm oil is starting to thin out.Some companies actually tell you how to soften it in their instructions. It's not necessary to make sure that the whole bottle or plastic container is thin so aim the hot water on the upper side of the bottle/plastic container (near the cap)until you see that the palm oil is easily pourable. Then I fill up my small bottle and put the rest away until I have to refill the small bottle. Personally, I wouldn't put the large unused bottle in the fridge because it will really solidify and will take a longer amount of time to thin it out.


Concerning the small bottle...after it's used, that little bottle of palm oil will also thicken and will slightly change back to it's original color and when the time comes to use it, I simply put the bottle in the microwave from 45 to 60 seconds. The amount of time differs depending on how full the bottle is. As it lessens, there's less time in the microwave.


As far as how to use it..there's different ways of using it and that depends on the bird's like or dislike of the oil. I use the drip method on pellets. My birds won't take it straight.

A person here uses a teaspoon and gives it straight.. Some people put it on a piece of bread. Some people mix it in with peanut butter or oatmeal. It really doesn't matter how the bird ingests it.


The big point is to thin it out so that it can be put on or in whatever is used.



DSCN0167.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/09/26 18:45

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One of these days I'll get the mister, but I gave him a second bath and he didn't freak out as bad as the first time so I'm going to see how he does after a couple more showers.


I don't think Red Palm and Palm oil are the same thing. From how it sounds on the forum you got to get it online...not too many stores got it.

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Yes, Red palm oil and Palm oil is the same thing. The oil should have an orange/red color or straight red color. Some labels say Red Palm Oil, Virgin Palm Oil and Palm Oil. In certain countries, it's purchased and used extensively for cooking.

Yes, it's an edible cooking oil.


Here in the US, it's not as common and a bit harder to purchase and most people don't cook with it. Many people in the US purchase it online.







Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/09/27 18:22


Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/09/27 18:26<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/09/27 18:49

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