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unhealthy feathers?


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Do you dilute the Aloe Juice with Water or Spray full strength?


I just diluted it 1/3 Aloe to 2/3 Water.


I want to make sure I am doing it as you are, considering the number of years of experience you have. :-)


Dayo's presently on Top of his cage just flapping away, I would imagine to quicken the drying time time ;-)

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I've always used it full strength. I've used it on them even if they have no feather problems. Been doing it that way for years. I just used it on all of them 30 minutes ago. Can't hurt their eyes. Can't hurt them if ingested. I keep the jug in the fridge cause greys like cold fluid more than room temp fluid and that also includes bathing water or misting water. Ever spray a grey thoroughly with room temp water only to have them immediately jump into their fresh colder drinking water after getting a thorough bath?? It's the temp that causes it. I also use it on my quakers and my YC macaw. As far as birds who are pluckers or chewers go, the juice is better than water cause the skin and feathers stay more moist for a longer period of time which for a plucker or chewer, is important.

Dave<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/09/22 20:20

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Thanks Dave!!


The next spritzing and soaking will be full strength. :-)


That's also a great tip on keeping it Cold. One would not normally think Cold is better when it comes to Showers or Baths, but it makes sense, the water is not heated in Nature for them.

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This is such good information here. I was wondering why Dayo seemed to have dry skin, and some dander. After I read this post, I realized, he has dry skin. So we (Dan) went out this morning 09/22/07 and purchased some aloe. Just soaked Dayo with it. Just like Spock said to. Now this evening, Dayo is soft, and no flakes. I feel so much better now. I was fretting over his dry skin. Thanks Mr Spock for the good information.



P.S. On Startrek, Mr Spock was ALWAYS my favorite. (really) {Emotions-000200BD}<br><br>Post edited by: DayosMom, at: 2007/09/23 03:35

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If I did that I would have to give more detailed information so that people would know what to do, how to do it and what is actually happening when they do it. AND, I haven't the slightest idea on how to publish something here. First, I would have to contact my agent. I realize that he'll notify his lawyer so that papers will have to drawn up. Negotiating a proper fee plus the royalities would have to be talked about between opposing counsels. The publication date will have to be set. Any book signing will be listed as well as travel dates and locations of appearances plus the length of time spent at each session.


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MrSpock wrote:

First, I would have to contact my agent. I realize that he'll notify his lawyer so that papers will have to drawn up. Negotiating a proper fee plus the royalities would have to be talked about between opposing counsels.



So when can you start? ;-)

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Well, I just misted Talon with straight Aloe Vera Juice. She went nuts! Had her wings flapping away, and really seemed to enjoy it. She normally doesn't like it, but now she is giving herself a bath in her water dish!

Thanks for all the advice!! :cheer:

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I've heard about and use the aloe vera juice also - I got it at a health food store - 100% aloe vera with no other ingredients. What is the ratio of the juice to water? I also add a teaspoon of the juice to her water. Is this okay? Any suggestions? Pepper is now naked again, my bird store owner and I have reached the conclusion that it's molting season related because the rest of the year she is fully feathered.

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I feel that it's best to use full strength. The less diluted, the better it is. If you check other posts in this thread, you'll see that lately, people tried it on their parrots and so far, no one has problems. It won't hurt the bird. If the plucking you're talking about has to do with molting, well that's par for the course. Some birds lose more feathers during molting season than others do. It all has to do with the individual bird. If he refeathers himself after molting then there doesn't seem to be a problem. As far as putting it in her water, it's not necessary. For birds, it has it's best effect externally on as many feathers and especially on as much skin as possible.

I personally don't put anything in my birds' water because different things can contaminate water including vitamins or any other additives. I really feel that bird booklets that say it's alright to put additives or vitamins in water are misleading the public especially for people who own budgies, canaries and finches and other softbills. Water gets tainted by these things. It's up to you though.


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very good information here.. i just had a question.. i cant find red palm oil here.. is there any substitute to it..??? for keeping their features healthy...


and regarding the aloe juice misting...

do you first mist him with cold water and then spray the aloe juice..


or straight aloe juice...???<br><br>Post edited by: imran, at: 2007/09/24 18:34

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You can

1--first mist with water then with aloe or

2--just mist him with the aloe


What determines how you do it has to do with how dusty your bird is and how often he/she is bathed. If a bird has a lot of dander on him/her then it's best to first bathe or mist the bird with waqter to get it's regular dust/dirt off. After that, using the aloe is good and more effective.

As far as first cleaning the excess dirt off--remember that when the aloe juice is applied, after some time has passed, the bird will start preening the feathers and I'm sure you don't want him/her running dusty feathers topped off with aloe through the beak.


As far as a subsitute for palm oil--there is no substitute. African greys eat palm nuts and palm oil in their native habitat. In the wild, it's one of their staple foods.


I see that you don't live in the US. There are many places where it can be ordered online. The two major countries that I know who do this is the US and the UK. You can order it from the US outlets but I have no idea about shipping outside the US.


So this what you can try......


Check out the different links. If you find an area on that store's page that lets you type in a certain item, then type in RED PALM OIL

If they do sell it you'll see the price plus shipping and handling.


If you want to order it in the US, then I can supply you with an excellent outlet to buy it from but again, I'm not sure about their shipping charges outside of the US.


It might be worth looking into because one 16 ounce bottle of palm oil will last a person who has 2 greys at least 1 1/2 yrs. Very little is used and it doesn't have to be given at each feeding. Twice a week is fine.


One of the more important ingredients of palm oil is

VITAMIN D3 (not VIT D) D3 is what a bird gets when he/she is in the outdoors in the sun with no windows blocking. Today's windows don't allow D3 through because of their filtering systems.


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Well we were in Walmart today and found the Aloe Vera Juice as pictured. We also purchased a sprayer. After cooling it in the fridge, we gave Makena shower today and while his feathers were all puffed up like he likes to do, we misted him (full strength) with the Aloe Juice. We got everywhere, feet, under his wings, back etc.. He really didn't seem to mind, and in fact it seemed "cooling" to him. The spray has a unique smell (not bad), but it goes away after drying. Now he is on my shoulder assisting me with this post, and is as soft as he's ever felt! This stuff works! And anything to keep his dander down and reduce skin irritation is great! Thanks Dave - Karma for you!!<br><br>Post edited by: MakenasDad, at: 2007/09/25 05:36

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MrSpock Wrote: "It might be worth looking into because one 16 ounce bottle of palm oil will last a person who has 2 greys at least 1 1/2 yrs"


Oh great, now you tell me!! :woohoo:


I ordered two 16 Ounce bottles thinking we would go through one bottle in a month or two... :ohmy:


What is the shelf life on this stuff if left un-opened? Anyone have a clue?

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I just ordered a jar of the Red Palm Oil online...I got it from http://www.junglepi.com/products/red_palm.html for $15 with free shipping. I was wondering, should I keep this in the refrigerator? I saw MrSpock said the 16oz would last 1 1/2 years with 2 greys...I only have one so I was wondering what the shelf life was as well.


My grey is getting the dry looking feathers also because I have yet to get him to take a bath/shower. I wanted to know how everyone else goes about misting a reluctant bird that will do anything to get away from water without freaking them out. I'm going to be getting the Aloe Juice on my way home from work and would like to give him a good bath when I get home. I was thiking if all else fails I would take him outside for a little while when it's hot out to get him to want to cool off.

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We take Dayo into our Shower, Place him on the Floor (much to his distaste) and start the shower running then gently deflect a small amount using our hand to get him wetted and rinsed.


Then we Mist he down all over, under and everywhere lifting his wings etc. with the Aloe.


The bottom line is, whether they like it or not, it's gonna happen:evil:

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Dan, I keep the red palm oil at room temperature and it is the same as the day I bought it, LOL, to think you would go thru it that quick. A little goes a long way when you only use 1/4 teaspoon at a time.


If I am not right, Dave will straighten us out, he knows all about that stuff, but it would get so hard in the fridge.

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