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How Lucky Am I??


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This is my one week update with Bob and I. Bob, my 6 yr old rescued CAG, has settled in well. I read and read about the potential horror stories and the time I was investing just to allow this bird to feel safe let alone want to be with me. I almost psyched myself out of taking him because I was afraid I couldn't earn his trust. His third home....how was I supposed to surpass that?


Well....exactly one week later and it's like we've lived together for years. I can't express how lucky I feel. He's taken to his new cage like a champ. 50% of the time I come home I get the response "Hello" from my "Hi, Bob." He screeches, lovingly, when I leave the room and begs to be held. "Are you ok?" is something I often hear, meaning, "Come get me!" and he sits happily on my hand, arm, shoulder, couch back and watches whatever I am doing. He also begs for scratches, and will sit happy for a long time while I scratch his neck.


I'm sure many more updates are to come but I wanted to give this one to say I'm happy, Bob is great and I can't believe how lucky I am!



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Well it didn't take Bob long to settle into his new home so you must be doing something right, there may still be a few minor setbacks to be expected but in all it looks like you are bonding with Bob very well. Yes sometimes those horror stories can be very unnerving but it seems we always hear about the bad things quickly and the good lags far behind but those stories are few and not the norm so relax and enjoy Bob.

How about some pictures of Bob, we would love to see some.

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I love happy stories like these!!! Truly should pat yourself on the shoulder, It takes so much to earn these little guys trust and for you to do it in one week just shows how special you are and that it was meant to be! I look forward to hearing of your long journey yet to come with Bob!

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