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Fruit Limit? # of Servings


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I wouldn't give your grey fruit every day, more like two or three times a week, fruit tends to have more sugar than veggies and therefore has less nutrients in it for them. I know they taste better than veggies but you should be offering plenty of those every day, it may take a while if she loves fruit but eventually she may take a notion to try them and eat them, persistence sometimes pays off.

You definitely don't want to be giving her anything with added sugar, just what naturally occurs in foods is plenty enough so the fruit you do give should be fresh or with no added sugars.

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This may sound silly but I had a hard time getting Dixie to eat her veggies daily, but she loves bananas and grapes. My solution - sliced veggies smeared with smashed bananas, smashed grapes in smashed sweet potatoes. I don't know if they can smell their fruits on their veggies, but they do end up eating them. Now zucchini is one of Dixie's favorites, without bananas spread on them and she's willing to try any and all veggies. BTW - she only really hates broccoli.



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Any advice on getting my grey to eat more fresh produce? She had a brief love affair with edamame but doesn't eat much fresh stuff. She doesn't even like nuts!

Duece was on a strictly pellet diet until he showed big interest in the salad we were having. I went in the fridge and brought him a fresh baby carrot, broccoli, and cucumber slice. He chomped it right down without hesitation. Suprisingly he won't touch the $13 bag of Pine Nuts I bought him. Go figure.

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