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my biggest worry about getting a grey?


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ok so i am new and you can read more about me in the introduction area..but i am in love with greys and have been doing tons of research and my biggest concern is this i have a 1 year old and i am also pregnant .....many people say that i shouldnt get a grey because they dont like loud noise( our house i would say is low to medium noise level but in general we r not a loud family really..i mean we have our moments but dont most families? :P) anyway on the other hand other people including a lady that does an exotic bird rescue said as long as it was raised around kids said it would do just fine. what do you guys think do you have young kids how is your grey with them (annoyed ,scared, loving ingores them?) if not whats your opinion?

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You'll be totally fine as long as you make sure the bird doesn't bite them. At one your baby will be walking soon, keep an eye out and make sure little hands don't go into the cage. The thing to think about is these birds require a lot of attention and if they become bored they can pluck feathers, become aggressive, etc. With a new little one on the way you will have to make the judgement call on if you (or other people in the household) will have the time to spend with the bird. If it were me I would see on how you feel four months after having your 2nd baby. By that time they are on a more regular sleeping schedule and you will have a better idea on what your day will be like.


Another thing to consider is that these guys mimic sounds extremely well and can pick up on just about anything. Think crying baby sounds.. multiplied by more than two.


Also, every bird is different. Just because some of our birds may be loving towards our kids or ignores them is no promise that yours will do the same.

Edited by BirdsAreGrey8
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You will have to keep curious hands from being too close to the bird and supervise all the time the bird is out of the cage but we have many members here who have young children and greys, also other birds and they make it work. Some people are of the opinion that once you have young children the birds have to go but it depends on the person and the bird. Some birds do like children and either give them a wide berth or just know that they are different from us grownups.

You might want to wait until after the new baby is a few months old like BirdsAreGrey8 said to see how things are at that time and then if you feel you can provide the attention and care a new grey will need then go ahead and fullfill your dream. A grey or probably any bird will adjust to children and such if they are already there when the bird comes to the home versus introducing a new baby to an already established bird who may have jealousy issues.

Most greys don't like sudden noise but an active household is not a problem for them, if the noise level is high then they may make louder noise to compensate or make their presence known but birds tend to be noisy, greys usually are one of the quieter of the bird species, they just have several times during the day that they are more vocal.

Be prepared for the grey to mimic any kind of sound and that includes baby cries and they do them very convincingly but that is part of their charm to make the sound of the phone ringing, the microwave beeping or the baby crying and so forth, you get used to it, if you can't handle it then a bird is not going to be a part of your household plain and simple.

My children are grown but I have 3 grandkids who know to leave Josey alone and she ignores them for the most part so it is no problem when they visit.

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Hi, I think it would depend on the bird. My Bella is my constant companion. When I work she is with me (I work most of the time at home), when I eat she's eating too, and when I watch TV she's sitting with me too, often snuggling up to me. If I were to introduce a newbie to the house, I'm quite sure she would it very troubling. But then there are other greys who may not have a problem at all. So, I think it is dependent upon the bird.


If I were in your situation however, I think I would wait until the new baby has arrived and then see where my energy levels are and my time. Birds do require a good deal of maintenance, and I think I would feel a bit overwhelmed taking care of a new bird and a new baby!




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If it were me... iwould wait until the newest baby was born. Making the grey the last edition to the family. My grey gets along with kids but I am cautious. He bit my son once... Drew blood. But my son was intrusive. You just need to make sure that you balance the attention equally.

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Welcome! In my own opinion, knowing what I know about birds, particularly the larger birds, with 2 very small children around the house, I don't really see where you would have the time to devote to such a needy,demanding and mostly jealous creature. I would wait until the kids are somewhat older and maybe can help with the rearing of a feathered child!!! Honestly, having one of these birds is like having a 2yr old for the rest of your life (30+ yrs) ... I am not saying it couldn't be done but it will not be an easy thing to do, you have to do what is in the best interest of the family structure as well as what is good for the bird, if you find that you are exhausted taking care of your human infant, it will not be "fair" to your feather infant to leave it in his cage all the time, this is in my opinion is how alot of birds end up in rescue situations.. I wish I could have given you a better outlook ............best wishes

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Personally, I would wait until I saw how much time and energy I had after caring for two young children. Each child is different and I would want to be sure that I had enough love for everyone at the end of the day. I have always loved birds and am grateful that I have my feathered kids now to keep me company now that my children have their own lives to live.

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welcome!!! :) I am not saying i disagree or agree with the previous posters, but ill tell you my situation LOL I did my research and was petrified, i have wanted a grey for a longggg time!! And a month or so ago now, I got Gabby. she was 4 months old. I have two children, a 2 year old and a 3 year old. Both girls, and am determined to have a BOY!! LOL at some point. My children know that they shouldnt put their hands in her cage cause that equals an owie!!! The first day i met Gabby she shredded my thumb, and i used that as an example of how much of an owie my kids could get if they stuck their fingers where they dont belong. since then, gabby has only bit me once (putting on her harness, but she is used to it n ow) She stays on her cage mostly, but has not even made a grab for my kids. We just kind of co exist. Of course we are still in the honeymoon days lol but she is doing great with them. I was also worried about the noise issue, my kids are NOISY!!!! we live in a duplex, but i have awsome neighborsm Gabby has her moments, but for the most part she is pretty quiet, making wistling noises, its super cute!! Off subject LOL sorry But Gabby just watches my kids with interest, the noise they make doesnt bother her, we leave music on for her on the two mornings a week no one is home and she does great!! We cant tell you what to do, only give our opinion, and this was mine LOL Good luck on your decision!!

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I already replied once to this thread but here's an idea not yet mentioned. There are temporary foster home programs for birds out there that will allow you to care for a bird until it finds its forever home. That could be an avenue that you might look into. It'll give you the opportunity to have the bird in your home and see how well things go.

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