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Seuss update.


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It's been a couple of weeks now so I thought I would drop in with an update. Seuss is doing great. we are noticing a lot less feather picking except when things change around her. Like new toys, or people. her chest feathers have started to fill in a little bit and appears to be doing more actual preening than picking.


We have been doing the aloe spray baths every other day till she gets more used to them. She gets a little miffed at me when we do them, but comes around pretty fast. Her skin seems less flaky too.


We have been finding her favorite fruits and veggies, which has been a challenge. She loves grapes, oranges and apples pretty good. She will et carrots if shes bored, lettuce of any kind is a no go, Broccoli she eats the stems off and the rest goes to the floor. Banana chips are a big favorite and will tear down walls for a good peanut.


The first toy we got her was a coconut shredding toy. It made it 3 days until she decided she would play with it, then it survived mere hours. I came home and found a pink pile of coconut fluff in the bottom of the cage.


Today we made a trip to Petsmart, then Petco, then to another Petsmarts, none of them had any selection to speak of, but i still managed to spend $150+ on Food, toys, bedding and perches. I brought the new toys home, and played with them ont he couch till she showed interest and no fear of them, she is now in her cage checking them out slowly. We also got her the Polly concrete perch, and within a couple of times on it, I no longer have to bleed when she sets on my hand.


We have also been learning since she is getting more comfortable that she is really a ham. She will set on my shoulder when company come in a her and I just chat back and forth and make noise, like she wants the attention....go figure with a grey LOL.


Well that's all for now.



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Seuss sounds like he is adjusting very rapidly to all. Your right, once they decide a toy isn't going to attack them, they love destroying them in mere minutes or hours.


Once you have critters, the pet store instantly becomes the 100+ dollar store every time you walk in. :P


Thanks for the update.

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