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Nekton S


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All are general all purpose multi-vitamins that are used for small parrots plus softbills such as canaries and finches , none of which come from Africa. Greys get their calcium from different foods. If a person's grey is eating a varierty of foods such as very green veggies and good quality parrot mix and other human foods, their calcium levels remain good. A grey will benefit from items such as chicken and turkey bones which are pure calcium. Red meat bones provide proteins. There's other items that can add calcium to the bird such as oyster chips mixed in solid food and large mineral blocks. Again, many parrots won't eat mineral blocks or cuttle bone . Oyster chips have a better chance of being eaten. Many greys use mineral blocks and cuttle bone to file or rub their beaks to file them. Adding multi vitamins to a bird that doesn't need them is a waste of money and a grey doesn't benefit from those types of items.

The 3 most important vitamins that greys need are Vit A, Vit E and Vit D3. The first 2 can be had with palm oil. The third comes from natural unfiltered sunlight or from special Avian lamps. Many times, the lamps don't really work for some people because they don't use them correctly because there's a variety of bulb strengths available.

Do you think your grey is calcium deficient? Only a vet can determine that and suggest what to do.

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I know for a fact that Zak has calcium deficiency because we were yesterday at Zaks vet. His bones look great (on x-ray) but calcium levels are very low so I must do something about it. Since I failed with veggies (for now), I'll try with bones and I'm gonna do Tink mash next week so we'll see. But I am a bit worried how both of that will go so my vet said, if all other fails, there are supplements of calcium for him to take. I forgot which one she recommended because she said she'll mail me the name. Also, I was thinking about vitamin supplements because of spots on Zaks feathers that I talked about when I joined this forum (tne name of the thread was something like: has anyone seen this kind of spots on feathers before?). We are still waiting fore some results from the vet but for now we have no idea why does those spots occur. As suggested by you in that thread I agree the spots might be from vitamin deficiency since Zak doesn't really like veggies. Also you mentioned this Nekton S so that is the reason I am now asking for it, and thinking about it because if Zak won't eat Tink mash (but I will constantly try), or won't eat "enough", and till we learn how to eat veggies and bones I was considering buying this vitamins to help with some of mentioned issues. And if it can help also calcium deficiency with the same supplement, than great.


PS: I was talking of our visit to the vet in Health room yesterday if you wanna check it out.


PPPS: zak doesn't want even to touch mineral blocks or cuttle bone

Edited by Morana
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PPS: I have am Arcadia bird compact fluorescent lamp. 24% UV-B, 12% UV-A (20W). Is this OK? It doesn't say on it, so I'm not sure, -how much above the cage is optimal for Zak. Any suggestions? I newer found that people could agree on what exact distance should be.

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Well, I gave you a list of things that have natural calcium. I told you about calcium blocks which may not work and you said they don't work. I'm not surprised. You say that you've failed with veggies but that's gonna take a long time to convince your bird to eat them. Patience.

As far as poultry and protein bones, they must be cleaned thoroughly after you eat them and if possible they should not be fried. Since your vet has definitely diagnosed your bird with calcium deficieny, I would follow his instructions concerning what to give. We're not vets here so we don't like overriding the vet's suggestions. I'm just surprised that he hasn't given you that calcium supplement yet because he already knows the problem exists but all vets are different.

If you wanna use tinkerbell mash, then do that. If it doesn't work, there's other recipes that can be used. A long time ago, Dan invented one that worked very well and if he's around, he'll give you his recipe. There are others.

As far as your lamp, if I'm not mistaken it's a screw in type. About 6/7 inches long. Your bulb like many other avian bulbs are fine to use as long as the light isn't aimed at the bird's face. It needs to be above the bird ( about 2 ft). How much time? Some people keep them on for 1 or 2 or 3 hrs. Others keep them on all day. Some birds benefit from the light and others don't. It's a personal choice. I have 3 greys in one large room and have never used any type of avian bulb and throughout the past years, they're perfectly fine. Again, a personal choice.

I'm not a big fan of vitamins that are put in water because greys don't drink a lot of so the water gets messed up. Wanna use them, fine. Again, your choice. Ask your vet about these things.

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Darn it! I have written everything down and then clicked wrong button and all is gone! :-((

So, the shorter version..

My vet stressed out the life long importance of keeping my Greys calcium levels normal and recommended good calcium supplement that doesn't mess the water up, it is odorless and without taste but I need to buy it on my own, because she doesn't have it there. She has something else at the clinic but I always ask for her recommendation-what she thinks is the best. She always has Zaks well being in first place. I very much trust her judgment and when I said about Tink mash she said it would be great but didn't say one thing or another. I'm buying the supplement and she knows it will be next week on my to-do list. It is just that I mentioned Nekton S and asked if that would be better (if it is vitamins+calcium so kill both birds with one stone, so to speak) but she didn't know about it and we didn't find exact content yesterday on line so I said I'll ask here,then tell her and then we'll decide if that could be better..We'll be talking through mail this week a lot so I'll ask all I need to know or think I didn't understand correctly.

I don't like vitamin supplements either because a long time ago, when I gave them to Zak, he didn't drink much water as you said he wouldn't and they messed water up so I gave up on them. I was hoping something has changed with vitamins supplement since then. Don't know what might..just hoping..

About lamp,..If it can benefit him-great. I'll certainly keep on trying . It is not in his eyes and I keep it for about 3 hours a day.

I'm (generally, but especially now) tens about all the not knowing I did/do so I am weighing my options. My vets word will be final regarding his health. Anyway, we have more talking to do later this week when the rest of the results come in.

Tnx on all the advice, I'm gonna use it.

If you have detailed content of the Nekton S please do write.

Edited by Morana
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