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Cocoa lost confidence in mommy.


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Cocoa likes to stand on the door whenever she is upstairs with mommy. And she would step down on mommy's fingers when she got down. A couple of weeks ago, when mommy had finished her chores, she asked Cocoa to step down as she was going downstairs. Being under tall (my wife), Cocoa struggled to reach mommy most of the time. On that day, Cocoa misjudged her step and she nearly fell. From that day onwards, Cocoa hesitated to step down when mommy asked to. Cocoa would walk to mommy, think twice then walked away. This went on for more than a week. One day she decided to try it out. Gripping the top of the door with her 2 feet, she used her beak to touch/ reach mommy's finger. The moment she touched mommy's finger, she quickly changed her position, held the top of the door by her beak with both feet down, and stepped down successfully. Finally, she has regained her confidence in mommy.

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It's just amazing to me how hard it is to gain these little guys trust and only just a small moment in time, it can all be taken away! But glad to see with a little perserverance from Cocoa,looks like your back on track... I can just picture her in my mind doing this!!!- Greyson is so funny when he holds on to something with his beak and he's trying to feel around with his feet for something- It just cracks me up!!! Thanks for the strory!!!

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