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Help advice needed please!!


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Hi guys, sorry to just jump on here and ask for help! my african grey is 3 yrs old in July and like most she is my life......last year around June she became ill...she had open beek loss of apitite and NO balance...obviously i rushed her to the vets where they didnt expect her to survive as she was so poorly :-( she did though she had a course of anti-biotics and anti-virals as under anasthetic they found a small mass in one of her air sacks..although bloods came back clear!! she recovered and has done brilliantly since.....now I may be panicking but today...she is still eating and drinking...her beak is closed apart from when chattering, but her poo is slightly runny and not brown but almost a sage colour kinda dull green/brown...I have called the vet but they only have the one avery expert at the surgery and she is doing consults....so i am sitting her panicking whilst waiting her call and just wondered if anyone has any ideas what this could be! xx

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The most common reason that happens ( if illness isn't involved) is a change of diet or different amounts or percentages of the diet that's given. It can also happen when certain fruits are given because fruit is acidic. It can happen when a feeding routine is changed such as only giving the bird meals at certain times of the day. Solid food should be available for the bird to eat all day long. Soft stool can also occur when the water isn't clean or has too much chlorine in it.

You need to worry when no color is spotted and all of it is liquid. Seed diets cause green stool. Various colored pellets cause orange, red, dark red, brown stools. The clear or white fluids you see are urates ( urine) which come out all day with very little solid stool. The largest amount of stool coming out occurs in the morning. Some will be solid, some will be gooey and soupy and will include urine. Long lasting problems should be checked by a vet. He'll want a stool sample.

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Thanks Dave, I have changed her seed but that was around 6wks ago....I am also adding a multi vit to her water this is yellowy on colour..maybe i havent mixed it right?!? We are in a very hard water area!! she does have access to food 24/7 she prefers seed but I do always have fruit and veg available for her although she doesnt tend to each much fruit apart from her favourite grapes, she also has ocassional yogurts which she loves...maybe im just being overly panicky! its just her poo's are normally rather promonant green and splodgy along with clear and white....sometimes she just does clear fluid (which i presume is a wee) so when they changed colour late yesterday and all day today i just started getting in a complete tizz about it, Thanks again x

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*****its just her poo's are normally rather promonant green and splodgy along with clear and white....sometimes she just does clear fluid (which i presume is a wee) so when they changed colour late yesterday and all day today i just started getting in a complete tizz about it******


Everything you now describe is perfectly normal. When a bird defecates solid matter, there's usually a white or clear fluid or both surrounding it. That's urine. The biggest dump of the day takes place in the morning. Some days it's soft and mushy, other days it hard like and looks like a worm like green dropping. The rest of the day your bird will be urinating so it will look clear or white and not very big. Very little fecal matter will come out.

Color wise, fecal matter isn't the same color 24/7. It varies. If there was a medical problem, it would be digestive and your bird wouldn't eat, play or be very active.


PS--I would stop that multi-vitamin mixed in water. They don't need that type of thing. Parrots don't drink alot. Liquid vitamins can messs up the water and if you have hard water, that can happen even quicker. Medium to large sized parrots don't need liquid vitamins. They get their vitamins from food

Edited by Dave007
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