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Well, we've gone all winter long without hearing that word!! But now that the weather is starting to get nicer and I can open Rebel's window during the day a little what do I hear?? You guessed it.....


It's nearing close to 70 today so I opened her window just a bit for her to enjoy the fresh air. As I'm leaving for work, at 5:00 a.m. I might add, getting into my car, I hear "Help, let me out"


Thank goodness the neighbors learned about my "prisoner" last year when she started talking to anyone who went by her window. My one neighbor sits on his deck and laughs at her all the time. The guy across the street walks between the houses while walking his dog to the field behind my house and stops to have a chat with her everyday.


Bring on the warmer weather.....Rebel has friends to make or quite possibly to make people call the police on me for unlawful imprisonment or something!!

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Looooool! She is a little mischief!! :-D

Great story! Tnx for sharing.


I just wanted to ask.. Aren't you a bit afraid that some cat or some other animal, or better yet a person is gonna come inside?

I live in the attic apartment (it is a third floor) and I have cats from my neighbor climbing on my windows and getting inside. No matter how little the window is open, they are going to open it enough to slide in.

Once I opened a bathroom door, and imagine how close I were on peeing my pants when I saw something black moving in my bathroom- before I got to switch the lights on! It was raining outside, window was less than an inch opened and the kitty figured it is not such a god idea to be outside while it rains!

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I don't think any outside animal would try to get up in that window. I know people can't because I have it so it doesn't open far enough. Well that and My German Shepherd scares all strangers. I've seen the mail man run off of my porch when Aussie is having his "Big Boy Bark" moment. With Rebel in her cage and Aussie on guard, I always feel pretty safe.

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