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Would someone get the phone please?


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My husband and I were sitting outside the yesterday and heard the phone ring. I got up to answer it but by the time I could get to it, it had stop ringing. So I went back outside and sat down. A few minutes later, the phone rang again. but by the time I got to it, it stopped ringing again. Well darn, I thought, so I got the phone, checked the caller ID and it appeared that the number had not registered. I do know that it has to ring at least 2 times for the caller ID will pick it up. So I decided that I would be smart and take the phone outside with me.


Well I'm back outside, and the phone starts to ring again, but this time I could hear it ring in the house but the handset outside was not ringing, I thought something must be wrong with this handset, I just got it new at Christmas...hmmmmm what a puzzling thing this is...... Well I answered it and there was just a dial tone, nobody on the other end. This is beginning to get annoying I thought to myself.....


A few minutes later, again, I heard that dad-blessed phone start to ring.......anybody who knows us and cant get us on the "house" phone knows to call the cell phones if they can't get us so Im thinking "this is really very strange"



I picked up the phone and again....just a dial tone but this time when I "answered" the phone, It kept ringing.... So I went into the house, and followed the "ringing" and to my amazement and surprise, the "ringing" was coming from no other than Greyson's cage!!!!!!! He has learned that this "noise" will bring Mommie into the house and he really LOVED this game-- So now today, the "phone" has been ringing nonstop!!!!!!!!! I just started laughing so hard and thought "you little devil you":p:p:p:p:p:cool:........................

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I knew this was what it was as soon as I saw the title of this thread, greys love to mimic sounds they hear and he quickly learned that imitating that phone would bring you quickly back into the house, you are in for a treat as he masters other household sounds, you won't know whether its him or the real thing, enjoy.

Thanks for sharing that little story with us.

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I knew this was what it was as soon as I saw the title of this thread,





Thank you for the replies!!!

I bet you have experienced this yourself huh? Greyson is such a riot, there's not many things he does that doesn't crack me up to some point-- He is such the entertainer and LOVES the attention that it gets him-- They are amazingly quick and clever to learn how to get what they want---when they want it, aren't they?????


So far Judy, Greyson can imitate Cheyann's squeaky ball.(which drives Cheyann totally insane-) she doesn't "allow" anyone to play with her ball and she can not figure out who's got her ball!!! It is a riot...


He can whistle 2 different tunes, whistle parts of Jingle bells blows kisses, he's starting to make another noise but cant really determine what it is at this point-- He's still trying to perfect it at this point!! lol -- But he's got a few other "noises" that he likes to do-- all of which I think is pretty good considering he's only 5 months old... I can imagine all the noises that will be entertaining this house in a year's time!!!


At this point tho, he is really interested in imitating sounds rather than talking-- He has said "hello" when he was just a baby baby but since he has found out how to perfect noises this is more entertaining for him!!!! He absolutely LOVES watching the television... he is so intriqued by all the sounds-- the one thing that really seems to get his attention is gun's firing-- (my hubby loves all kinds of "shoot em up" movies so there is alot of gun noises-- I just know he's gonna start with those pretty soon----


Can you imagine someome walking in the house and all of a sudden you hear a machine gun going off???? that's gonna be something----!!!!!!


You can see it in his face when I'm talking to him that he is just soaking it all in and I know that when he is ready to "talk" we won't be able to hush him up-- He's been such a vocal little guy ever since the beginning tho

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I had the same experience. Phone is ringing but by the time I could get to it, it had stop ringing. In a second, there it goes again! I answer no one is on the line. I thought it was a prank call to annoy me. After a third time, I didn't have time to put down the phone and it rang again. We'll we know whose fault was that!;-) After a while, I really had to change the phone, altogether, because it was ringing all the bloody time! Now it is better... ;-) Although, now he has other sounds to trick us, but I refuse to change the microwave oven!

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hahaha!!! our's rings like a phone, but then she "answers" it with hello, done in a variety of voices! i really enjoy our new "answering machine"!! she's got more words than hello, but right now she turns her back to us and in a low gravelly voice she practices. what words she's practicing, i have no idea, but i'm sure one day soon, she'll tell us all about it, lol

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Dixie doesn't do this - THANK GOODNESS! - but when the phone does ring, I get a full conversation in at least two voices while I'm trying to talk to the person on the other end. Do you know how hard it is to concentrate on the person on the other end and not listen to Dixie? Way to go Greyson in getting Mommy's attention! Now pick up the sound of the alarm clock so she never oversleeps!

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My shelby is just 3 months old she has not made a clear sound but is extreamly vocal

when talked to. She kinda mutters.. Some of the most used praises i tell her all the time is

"good girl" or "shelby good girl" or "are you puffing" She ususaly respoinds with a mutter

last week i thought she started to say the G sound. is it too early for her to start sounding things out.


I have noticed her brother and her do chirp back and forth at night when they are in there cages.

and its IDENTICLE. Otherwise she does not chirp just mutters when she is with me and i mean

this is all the time.

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