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Hi Everyone! I just posted a question in the health section and it was suggested I do a little intro, so here we go!


Sugar is an 8 year old Timneh! We adopted her from the Tuscon Avian Rescue and Adoption Foundation in Tucson, AZ this past December. She loves to sing and talk, imitates our dogs' squeaky toy noise perfectly and LOVES to eat!


She prefers my husband but has really warmed up to me since he's been away. (He's in the Army.) This past week was the first time I've been able to transport her from cage to perch using my hand instead of our usual stick! It was a HUGE breakthrough for us! I expect she'll go back to disliking me when he gets home, but we're doing quite well right now!


I'm definitely a Grey newbie and am looking forward to reading the forums!



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Hello TagSugar and welcome to our family, my she is a pretty thing and thanks for including pictures in your intro post.

I am so glad to hear you opened your heart and home for this grey as there are lots of birds out there in need of new homes but you have come to the right place looking for advice so do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will do what we can to help you with answers.

I hope you are not pushed aside like last night's meatloaf when your hubby gets home but this happens in lots of grey households so be prepared to be somewhat rebuffed when he makes his appearance. It sounds like you are making great strides in his absence though.

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