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Beak Question


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Hi Everyone! I'm a new bird owner, we've had our Grey for about 2 months now. My husband grew up with birds, so he knows a lot more than I do, but is away right now. I noticed our birds beak appears to be chipped on the bottom - it was not like this last night, though she was rubbing her beak on the sanding perch while eating this morning. It doesn't appear to be bothering her, she's still eating and preening like normal. Is there something I can do for it or should I just leave it alone and let it grow out? I'm just concerned because, since it's a chip, the other side is longer - will that side chip off on it's own?

I'm including pictures for reference.

Thank you in advance!



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It does appear to be chipped but their beaks flake off from time to time anyways so it doesn't look like a problem to me but if you have any concerns just call your avian vet and ask, when in doubt that is what I would do. How old is your Tag and I am assuming her name is Sugar?

Why don't you make an intro post in the welcome room and tell us a little about yourself and this Tag.

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IMO, the lower beak looks a bit too long. I had similar situations with Zak before (although not such a large chip) and he really had problems with his beak because of it. He had overgrown beak (upper and lover). It varied from time to time which is in worse shape- upper or lower. Now, when he has safety pumice perch and chews various toys much more he rarely has any problem with his beak and if he does, it is also with his lower part, so I cut it of. I don't know how to translate the thing with which I cut it of, but I cut it very carefully. I know how it is supposed to be (the beak) and I just make smaller corrections. With this I am saying, I think your Grey may have a problem with overgrown beak but you shouldn't treat it yourself! Especially if you are not sure what to do. Before I started clipping Zaks beak I saw my vet do it several times. I do it now on my own because Zak don't really mind when I do it. He is not too happy about it, but he is very happy about not going to the vet to get beak corrections. He has a nice looking beak for a good while now:-)

However, treating the chip is not a permanent solution for overgrown beak as it weren't for Zak.

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The second picture makes it look like overgrown to me too. The vet should be able to file it down, or a local bird store who knows what they are doing, sometimes have this service also. At least the store where I live does, but sometimes they dont like to do beaks that are to bad because they might crack or split, so I have heard.

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Thank you for the help everyone! I decided to take her in to the vet and I'm so glad I did! She was able to file down her beak, give it a quick mineral oil shine, and teach me a lot about her!! I was more worried than Sugar was - apparently she's a pro at this! She squeaked a bit when they toweled her, but other than that she was dancing on her travel perch!



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She was able to file down her beak, give it a quick mineral oil shine


I was just wondering what you could do to keep the beak well conditioned and less likely to crack. Would it be ok to wipe their beak with mineral oil on a daily/weekly bases? is it a possibility they would injest any of it and would it cause intestinal upset?. I do notice that most all pictures I see there are alot of flaking and creases in thier beaks, even Greyson's, being as young as he is Im surprised his beak would be having any flaking etc...

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