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Marcus climbed up!!


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So it wasn't quite a step-up... but it was an official climb up!!! :D


I will admit I'm a teensy bit jealous that, at long last, it was my husband who was given this honor, but tonight when he offered his shoulder to Marcus (like he does for Beaker, our Quaker parrot, who scrambles up too willingly most nights), instead of being rebuffed by Marcus and being given the body language of "I want my head scratched"... Marcus actually grabbed onto his shirt with his beak, and then he put his foot up! And then as my husband said, "Come on, that's a good boy," he climbed all the way up!!


He didn't perch on his shoulder, he was more on his arm, and he kind of grabbed at his front shirt pocket once or twice. He was on his arm long enough to bite his hand and twist the skin badly, though (but he didn't break the skin!), and then he kind of hung upside-down as he reached for his perch again, and we gave him a chorus of "Good boy!" as he got back on his long perch without incident.


But that's not everything! Maybe an hour after that, as I was getting the boys ready for bed with fresh water and pellets, Marcus was perching on his open cage door and I was telling him it was bedtime, that he needed to climb back down his door and into his cage.


He just kind of whirled his head around and looked at me. The enunciation wasn't perfect, but he said, "Later."


I was a little shocked that he said that (this is the first I've heard it from him), and then it was like, Okay, he requests it specifically, he gets it, because I don't want to discourage his vocalizations. So, much to Beaker's chagrin, I let them stay up until 10:30--a full hour later than normal.


What a night! I am just so dazzled in love with our Grey boy and his accomplishments, he is really coming out of his shell anymore!! <3

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Thank you for the kudos, everyone. :) Those of you who remember my first posts here, because of his background in his former home(s), Marcus and the whole 'stepping up' issue was/is quite a big one, so the fact that he climbed up onto my husband yesterday is a huge plus, indeed! And in terms of his vocalizations, he really is popping out with some zingers anymore... I couldn't be happier, he seems to be really getting settled and contented here with us. :D

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