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The Marcus Masquerade


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I'd like to share something cute that Marcus did last night. It was really one of those "Oh, wait!" moments, like Mommy isn't getting the big picture immediately, and I'm wondering if my pretty Grey is just thinking, Um, that's not what I meant.


So Beaker, our Quaker parrot, was out in the den with his daddy. He just loves my husband and relishes every moment with him. But one of the things Beaker often does when we are all together in the boys' bedroom is slide down to the bottom of his open cage door and just kind of lean out, staring at Marcus and us on the floor. He has a very particular 'look' when he does this, a special pose, and sometimes it's really kind of funny.


And last night, when Beaker was out with his daddy, I was in the boys' room with Marcus, working on the one laptop. Marcus hadn't being doing much in particular except rest on his one perch on the outside of his cage, occasionally making his happy nut-grinding noise with his beak. I guess he thought I was ignoring him, though, because in the background of my thoughts I realized he was suddenly climbing all over his cage. I heard him slide down the bars a bit. I turned my head just in time to see that Marcus had slid down to the bottom of his open cage door, and he was reaching out toward me. It was very unlike him; I almost want to say I've never seen him do that before.


As our eyes met, Marcus said clearly, "Beaker!"


I kind of thoughtlessly looked back toward the computer. "Beaker's out with Daddy, Marcus."


And then as I heard Marcus start climbing back up his cage door, it all flashed together in my mind, and there was the Oh, wait! moment I spoke of earlier. Maybe some people might think I'm stretching things here, but I honestly believe that Marcus was playing some sort of little parrot joke on me then, or putting on his own version of a masquerade--something! It was like he was saying, You think Beaker's gone, but look! He's still here, I'm Beaker now! His body had perfectly mimicked Beaker's whenever Beaker hangs off his door like that, and just the way Marcus looked at me... ooh, I felt kind of silly after that, but it made me wonder at my little Grey boy.

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Quite the little pranksters they are aren't they! They always seem to keep us guessing and never cease to amaze me with their abilities... sounds like they certainly keep you busy. I only have the one FID so I can imagine how much laughter goes on in a multi FID home... Loved the story thanks for sharing!!!!

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