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Issac Updates - 15 months


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So I have had my little friend for about a year now and wow has it been a ride. I don't go out or stay out as long as I used to. Virtually every plan I make is around Issac. I can't say that it's any trouble though. He has the power to both drive me insane, and make me laugh with love for him.


It is hard to come up with updates when Issac really only does something new here or there and I don't want to just come on and gush over my baby for the hudredth time. So these updates are further in between. Anyway, on with what's new with Issac.


As I have mentioned, Issac still makes his attempts at talking...or at least saying "Hello" and "Boyee"...or "Hello lil boyee". Those are the things I say to him all the time. I say attempts because it's somewhere between parrot and english. I can certainly tell that he is saying those words, but it may escape the untrained ear. I had thoughts from the beginning that Issac might not be so chatty since I am always talking and paying attention to him. But I really don't know. People talk of word explosions after hearing the first few words but I have heard only the ones so far. There is always time though.


One thing he is excellent at is the mimicing of noises around the house. (And the strange sounds I make since I am kind of a clown). Sometimes I wil yawn and then shake my head afterwards making a kind of "brbrrbrbbrbrrrr" sound. He not only picked up that sound but will actually shake his head while making it at times...and that really gets me laughing. Virtually every time I go to get a cup of water, he starts making the sounds of me swallowing. I still love that one. He kisses on command and will sometimes touch his beak to my cheek when doing it. When I am leaving the house, both of my birds are making kissy noises back at me. It's a nice moment.


One thing I never thought would be so prevelant is Issac's desire to be anywhere i am...all the time. My shoulder if I am standing, and my knee if I am sitting on the couch. He will sit and watch TV with me...preening his feathers and letting me scratch and ruffle his feathers. He seems to like it when I drag my fingers lightly backwards over the feathers on the back of his neck. He is such a sweet little thing in those moments.


Sometimes I wonder if I actually 'play' with him enough. But he is not really an interactive player. If I have a toy he wants...he will come get it and he is not much of the sharing type. I might be more likely to catch a bite playing like that. I still get down on the floor and play peek-a-boo with him and he crawls under my hands hiding my face. It's pretty cute. One thing to note is how he gets with things he is not supposed to get at. Like my remote control, my cell phone, and the mini keyboard for my movie computer. He tries to go after them and when he sees that i will not let him get it....it's bite time. So i have to do some evasive manuvers to dodge the bite. Knowing what you are dealing with is half the battle. But he is consistantly pissed when he cannot get at these three items when i am using them. Ohh yeah...he gets all horny and pants when I am on the phone. Climbing and rolling into my hands trying to get at the phone. A bit less aggressive with that item and more funny than anything.


Sometimes he scares me with how long he can hold his poop. If I am gone for an 8 to 10 hour day... and sometimes I see nothing...I am like...'Wow boy....saving it all for me huh?' Yesterday I did come home and see one in there so I know he is not afraid to do it...it seems to be a strong preference to wait till he is out. Then hey, anywhere and any time goes. My house is the toilet.


For some reason unknown, I no longer have to trim his nails and they don't scratch my hands anymore. His play must have a side effect of dulling them, but what a relief I tell you cause I could not stand the trauma in trying to trim them myself. He is impossible to towel. A true escape artist. I know this because as soon as he catches wind that I am going to put him in the cage, he makes himself scarce and the chase is on.


It's hard to believe how close they get to you. It's impossible to imagine how I lived before I had my little grey friend. It just never gets old seeing those wings flapping, eyes beading on my shoulder like, 'Here I come daddy!' What an amazing bird. :)

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It`s sonds like Issac is on same trail of all normal greys. As i read your post it`s sounds like Corky`s day only Corky is 10 years old and they always take small steps every day day in and day out and when you add up all those steps after 10 years they came a long way and you just shake your head but you will never give one of those days. Just keep enjoying them.

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It`s sonds like Issac is on same trail of all normal greys. As i read your post it`s sounds like Corky`s day only Corky is 10 years old and they always take small steps every day day in and day out and when you add up all those steps after 10 years they came a long way and you just shake your head but you will never give one of those days. Just keep enjoying them.


It's funny, just when you think they are just going to stop amazing you, they amaze you.

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I don't want to just come on and gush over my baby for the hudredth time


What a wonderful story!!! I really don't mind if you get on here and gush all over your baby for a millionth time-- I prefer it!!!! I love reading about everyone's babies. I love the mental image I get when I am reading them and I look forward to my daily chuckles from all the stories,,, so please humor me!!!!! I love the interaction you have with Issac. sounds like you got each other pretty much figured out but of course Isacc wins...right?

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What a wonderful story!!! I really don't mind if you get on here and gush all over your baby for a millionth time-- I prefer it!!!! I love reading about everyone's babies. I love the mental image I get when I am reading them and I look forward to my daily chuckles from all the stories,,, so please humor me!!!!! I love the interaction you have with Issac. sounds like you got each other pretty much figured out but of course Isacc wins...right?


It is super nice to know that my love for my feathered friend is appreciated. I am glad that you understand the relationship I share with Issac. Thank you for reading about my best little friend, Issac. :)

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