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New Grey, new cage?


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Hi Everyone,


Bob has moved into my home today and is already a pleasure. He, unfortunately, came in an uncomfortably small cage. It's somewhere around 17X18X20, I only measure the front. In a nutshell, I'm already in the works of getting him a bigger cage. I have two dogs and a cat so he can't spend all his time out when I'm not there and I worry about him being in such a small cage.


I am concerned about having just moved him in and changing his cage right away too. Most likely I could have him in a new cage by the end of the week but it this too much at once? Or do I just do it and get all the dramatic changes over with at once and then allow the adjusting to begin.


Bob seems to be an extremely easy going guy (although I just met him and I know this will probably prove false some day) He is already OK with me picking him up and talks (minimally) to me.


Suggestions are appreciated. I added a photo of Bob in his cage to give you a feel for what he's working with now.


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Maybe when you get the new cage, just put it next to the old one and let him check it out on his own, before you put him in it. Would you treat it the same as introducing a new toy? That would be my guess. Put some of his familiar things in the new cage right away. He'll probably do just fine. His old cage does look awful small to me. My Cockatiel is in a bigger cage than that (24x20x26). My Timneh is in a 32x32x23. Glad Bob found a new home. Sounds like he is in good hands.

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I would put him in his new cage asap. Let him watch you set it up, add toys, etc. Let him climb all around it while you do. I put all 3 of my birds in their new cages as soon as I set them up, and then made a huge big deal about it as they were in there. Lots of positive attention and fun. Never had a problem doing it like that. Make it a fun project they help with and watch, it will be comfortable for them. They also watched me climbing inside while I set them up, I think that helped also.


I also bought the largest cages possible for them. Spoiled they are!

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I would do as Talon suggested, let Bob watch and participate in the setting up of the cage and if he balks then you know you have to set it beside his current cage to allow him time to adjust to it and when he ventures into it to explore then you know you can move him into it, sounds like a plan to me.

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Thanks everyone. I am going to pick up Bob's new cage tomorrow. Its going to be quite the upgrade, I think he'll be happy! I'm so impressed with him, he already talks to me, lets me hold him and I managed to get two short (enjoyed) scritches in and it's been less than 24 hours. I think we have a beautiful relationship in the works.

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Bob has been in his new cage for a few days now and is settling in nicely! Thanks for all your advice. I've added some pictures. It's not at big as some I've seen on here, but he's got a "post" in every part of my apartment and spends most of his day out. In comparison to his previous cage, I think he's happy!



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