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I'm worried about Zak


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Hej all!

Zakica had a bit of a strange poop last week. Just at one occasion, when he tried to poop, poop came out but continued to dangle and eventually,as he wouldn't let me remove it, it stuck to his feathers. It took us a while before we took it off. The poop was very sticky and very thin in diameter. But it was light green. After that he pooped just fine.

Next day poop was more liquid , like a pool of slime around the green part of the poop. And the green part was like a worm and not compact as usual. I don't have pictures from that day but the same day I took a sample of the stool and went to my avian vet. I think she watched under the microscope but not in front of me-I want to say that she obviously didn't have in front of her what she needed for the test. She sent it to the lab and results came next day. So it may have been something more (than just looking under microscope) but I don't know how to translate it. Everything came back fine!

The problem is that just now he pooped like this!!! (see the pictures). He never pooped like that so I am panicking a bit. Vet went home (I tried calling, send even a mail with pictures but I don't have more options at the time). He is eating and behaving normally. He was normal through all those days. He ate as usual except yesterday I did that kinda of oatmeal but he only ate a bit. Also yesterday we run out of pellets so unfortunately he is back to seed diet till next week. Nothing out of the ordinary except Zvone cleaned the house yesterday and I would say, at some point, that there were strong fumes in the apartment regardless open windows (from cleansing products). Could that be somehow related!?

I am watching him play and he looks OK.

He had one poop like the one in the pictures and the next one was almost completely read/brown. A bit liquid because I gave him a bit of juice today (which I normally don't do, just at special occasions). That is it! he still didn't poop since than.


So please, if you have any idea what might be wrong,... if it is not wrong-I know that sometimes vine color of the poop is normal for Greys...but please, any comment would be appreciated.


PS: if I don't have to take him to the vet I really don't want to because it is tremendous stress for him since he just got his carrier of which he is really afraid of and putting him in a box is not any better than that.


Similar experiences anyone?






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To be safe I suggest getting him and a fresh dropping to the Vet. What their droppings look like depends a great deal on what they have eaten or chewed on red pellets =red droppings ect. This sound a bit more complicated and will wait to see what the Vet says, at least give them a call and describe what has been going on. See if feels safer in a pillow case or a paper grocery bag for a quick transport. Many things can be present in the droppings and not always show up on a microscope slide especially if the droppings are not super fresh. Did they take any blood to test?

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Tnx for the answer:-)

Zak doesn't eat red pellets. We do not have that nor did we ever have. There is something red looking like a pellet in his seed mix but it is small and there is just a few of those in the whole packet so this couldn't be it even if he eat some of it. He doesn't like that at all so I doubt he ate some of it, to begin with. I did call a vet, she already went home. Of course I'm gonna call again tomorrow. Probably take another sample. The time frame on the droppings that I already took to the vet was approx. 4hours. During that period, they were stored in a sterilized container at a bit of a coolish temperature. They didn't take a blood test because Zak wasn't with me. Pillow case or a paper bag wouldn't be any better solution than a box or a carrier. And the quick transport is not an option because I don't drive, nor I have a car. I need to arrange a transport before I can take him and since tomorrow is Tuesday, vet works in the afternoon when is a complete traffic jam all the way to her clinic :-(

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Update. Zak poops normal. The color is also normal. He is acting completely normal. My vet told me that a high share of protein can cause a red discoloration of the poop. She sent me whole chapter about it but I need to read it first and then I'll write it all here. Zak will be having workup very soon so we'll now much more after it.

Edited by Morana
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