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Hello everybody!


I'm a law student in San Diego. My fiancé and I have a blue fronted amazon. The amazon gets along with me OK but is pair bonded to the lady of the house (I don't blame him). We rescued him after his last owner died from cancer 3 years ago and he is 16 years old. The first year was a rough one for me. It took a lot of patience and a few bleeding ears and fingers but the 'zon finally decided I am a part of 'the flock' (or whatever it is birds think). Now he enjoys hanging out/ watching me study and, for whatever reason, thoroughly enjoys deconstructing every pen and highlighter on my desk.


I've wanted a grey for a few years but it has taken a long time to find a good match. I looked for a bird who would pair bond to me. I really enjoy how rewarding rescuing a parrot is. So many people end up with birds they can't take care of or find themselves in a situation where their bird outlives them and I think, because they 'contracted' to live with people, they deserve caring homes.


So, I have finally found a Grey who I think will like me, coming from someone who isn't just selling a bird. I'm also scheduled to meet another Amazon. Either way, I figured between the amazon forum and the expansive Grey forum this would be a good place to get decent advice and information from people who love their parrots.


Nice to meet you!

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Do tell us more about your Grey:-) Her name, age, history,...

And btw, we all adore pictures so we would sure like to see you Amazon, as well as a soon to be new member of your flock:-)


It is not just your parrot who likes pencils, highlighters, ...even rulers, books,.... Everything that may lay on the table is so very interesting;-)

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The Grey I'm going to visit next weekend in Los Angeles is 3 years old. The current owner says she likes to be left alone the majority of the day and prefers the company of men over women. The owner says he can't have pets in his new apartment so the Grey has to go. He also seems to have a problem with the parrot biting him and other people (but it sounds more like him and his friends are just jamming their hands at the Grey or pestering it when she doesn't want to be bothered).



This is Amy (yes, I have a boy parrot named Amy - the woman who owned him before and passed away never had him sexed and guessed female). My parrot paralegal. :)



Even for a Blue-Fronted Amazon I think he has a lot of blue on his face.


Amy is pretty smart. He has a small vocabulary ("hello amy", "hi bird" and a few other words) and a ton of sounds: babies crying, several different laughs, children laughing, she sings a god awful version of Frank Sinatra's "come fly with me", several different guitar notes w/ vibrato... it goes on and on. Most notable is he likes to mess with my dog. He makes the dog's squeeky toy noise just to get him over to her perch and watch him flip out. He also 'preens' my hair with his beak and occasionally tries to rip the mole off my neck thinking its a bug or something. :/ I love the little guy, even though when my fiancé gets home he goes to battle with me and freaks out if I kiss her (obviously I shouldn't be touching his woman /sarcasm).


I don't have pictures of the Grey but I'll post them as soon as I can.


I'm actually looking for signs the Grey will pair off with me and be buddies. I know the signs in Amazons, but I was wondering if Greys have any tell tale gestures (allowing you to pet them, singing, dancing, demanding attention...?) How difficult is it to get them to adjust to new surroundings?

Edited by ParrotLawyer
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