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Frazzeled soon-to-be new CAG owner

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Hello-- I've joined this forum in hopes of gaining knowledge and having a good resource to come to. I am very soon acquiring a rescue CAG. I have knowledge of parrots and experience being around them but have never owned a grey. My last parrot, a Nanday named Cricket was the best friend I've ever had, and I am hoping my new addition will eventually feel that way about me. I have a slightly more detailed post over in the lounge!

Guidance on how to build trust and acclimate him will be much appreciated!

Edited by InfamousAlice
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Welcome to you and your new CAG-- gotta tell us his/her name tho!!! Bless you for re-homing your bird--


The one thing that I CAN advise you on Grey's owning you is TRUST is something that WILL BE EARNED!!!!!!! Period, no if's and's or but's!!! I have been around birds all my life. big ones, little ones and ones in between but Greyson is my 1st grey. I gotta tell ya, the whole journey with Greyson has been beyond a doubt one of the finer pleasures Iv'e ever endured Everything you have learned about birds, Greys will seem to debate those teachings..... You'll find out what Im talking about soon enough!!!!!!!! :-).... Just take things one day at a time, don't rush your new guy into anything and always make them "THINK" they are in charge---- Im wondering how many will challenge this theory of mine?????? !!!!! Good luck on your new adventure

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