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How you do your oatmeal?


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Today I cooked oat, added a few slices of tangerine, few rings of fresh banana, a bit of a kiwi (not a bird ;-) ), few dried raisins of cranberry and blend it all together in a blender (maybe you call it liquidizer?) and then heated a bit (because he wouldn't even touch cold oatmeal).

Is this way to do an oatmeal? (I understand everyone will put their own mix of fruits in it..)

What else do you put in?

I can tell you,...Zak wasn't that thrilled about it:-S I made yummy sounds, even pretended I'm gonna eat it all without him, but didn't help much. Most of it went on the floor..

If I can't get him to like a nice fruity oatmeal, how do hell am I gonna get him to eat Thinkmash!? :-(

And another question.. When you cook too much of the oat, can you put it in a fridge for another day? What about when fruit is already inside?

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I either use packets of instant oatmeal which you might not have in your country or I use the old fashioned rolled oats and cook it in the microwave or on top of the stove, I don't usually add anything to the oatmeal but some red palm oil but you can add some fruit to it, serve it while its good and warm. I serve it like it is, I don't blend it up and it is lumpy.

I usually don't fix too much, just enough to eat at that time but I guess you could refridgerate it and heat the next day.

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Ok, I thought it was regular out. I don't know what is rolled oat but I found some pictures.

This is what I have oats.jpg, and this is what I find on the Google search for rolled oat rolledoats.jpg.

So is my oat "wrong" kind of oat?

So I figured that I have to blend it to get a mash type of a meal. It didn't look like mash before that at all. Everything was very separated so i figured he's not gonna eat it that way. I still think it is not really like a mash because he can, sort of, eat a grain at a time..:-S Any ideas?

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I would follow Judy's advice. There's plain, unflavored oatmeal and flavored oatmeal. They're simple to get. I'm a heavy beliver of not going crazy when giving a wild animal things it wouldn't normally eat in the wild. Greys are wild and pet greys are wild their whole lives. Domestic animals ( dogs, cats) will eat anything that's given. Wild animals( most of them) have the ability to stay away from things that aren't good for them.


****few slices of tangerine, few rings of fresh banana, a bit of a kiwi (not a bird ;-) ), few dried raisins of cranberry and blend it all together in a blender *****


All are fruits. None of these items are going to make a wild bird such as a grey more healthy unless it's the type of parrot that normally eats fruit --example, Rosellas.


Greys will ( sometimes) eat fruit but it's always suggested that veggies are much more important than fruits that are acidic.


In the wild, greys won't eat bananas, tangerines, kiwi, cranberry. Bananas? Once in a while. So, why should I feed them that stuff in the house? They don't benefit from it. Even soft or lumpy oatmeal doesn't give them anything special but they're more likely to take it once in a while and they'll look at it as a treat.

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I wasn't trying to go crazy. I just wanted for him to eat the oatmeal and thought he'll be more incline to do so if I put in it some fruit he likes. I agree vegetables are more important. Unfortunately, we are still fighting that war too.. I'll leave out the fruits next time.

But as easy it may look to you, I still don't understand what is the difference between those two oats in given pictures. Is it ok for me to stick with the oat I have?

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Sure it is, if your bird will take to it. It should be very lumpy. Judy and I are sayinhg that there's oatmeal in supermarkets such as Quaker Oats and other brands that have a bunch of individual packets in the box ( 10) . Many flavors in one box. More than likely, you won't waste any because as soon as you taste them, you'll become a fan as well as your bird. Birds do take to it very easily. As far as your pesent oatmeal, put a small amount of cinnamon powder on it. It's very tasty and a small amount won't hurt your bird. Many people use cinna mon to put on their rice pudding.


As a matter of fact, you can also give 1 tablespoon of rice pudding. Many parrots like it.

Edited by Dave007
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Tnx so much. Great advice! :-)

I must admit...I never heard about flavored oat before, but I'll try to find it:-)

About my oat..When I cooked it, it looked just a bit bigger/lumpy than when it was raw. A bit softer tho. I don't think it can get much more lumpy than that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Morana. Your oats are ones that haven't been hulled and rolled flat. Cooked that way they won't get sticky and lumpy like the rolled ones will. I don't know if you'll be able to find rolled oats in Croatia. The ones everyone here is talking about are ones we use for a breakfast cereal (among other things.) The ones you have we would use to feed horses or other livestock. It's the same oat, just processed differently.

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Your oats are ones that haven't been hulled and rolled flat.


I guess rolling them exposes the insides so they cook up better but rolled oats are a common commodity here in the USA and probably in other countries too but maybe not Croatia, they make for a filling and hearty breakfast.

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