Sherrie Posted February 11, 2011 Share Posted February 11, 2011 Greyson and I always have our "couch" time every nite for about an hour and half-- most nites he plays rather hard and I play the "Im gonna git cha" game and my fingers run across the couch at his feet then I jerk my hand back real quick and this gets him really excited so the next time I say it, instead of me chasing him, he will chase my hand and "git me" and we go back and forth with this for just a few then he will go play by himself in his "hidey box" for awhile and then he's ready to cuddle.... Well tonite, when it was time for cuddles, he was a little unusual with the routine but I really didn't think to much of it.. But he wanted his head rubbed, and his feet, then his back, then his chest, then under his wing and then back to his feet it's really just an all over massage just really slooooooooow.... but that wasn''t out of the ordinary.....he snoozed a little with my hand completely cupped and his head laying sideways in my hand-- every once in a bit, he would crack an eye as to be just checking---- it was so adorable.. just the tenderness of this little guy is amazing------- but when he woke up he looked at me and just stared and did some little purring noises (Ive never heard) and a few weak whistles and then he climbed up to my shoulder (he never does that) gave me a kiss and left his beak on my lips and then (sorry, Im tearing up as I write this. so forgive me if Im babbling) but He took his foot and gently took it to my cheek and it was as if he were stroking my face ever so tenderly- ya know, like I do his-- gave me another kiss then he was ready to go to his cage for nite nite---- OMG>>> at that moment, I realized that I have been totally accepted as his trusted friend and that he truly LOVES me... It was like he was telling my "thank you" for all you've done for me Mommie kinda thing------I wish you guys could have seen it, it was something I have never experienced with any other feather'd friend in my lifetime-- I know I must seem like a sap but this was so heartwarming coming from this little guy that I have had since he was just a tiny baby--- Thanks for listening to my babbling......Everyday, I am just amazed at the level of intelligence of these guys by watching Greyson grow up and hearing all of your stories that I thoroughly enjoy reading Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Val27 Posted February 11, 2011 Share Posted February 11, 2011 So awesome! I started to get scared reading that thinking about Irene Pepperburg and Alex. So glad it is all good. How lucky to have him so in love w/ you! Happy Valentines Day! Love is in the air. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ray P Posted February 11, 2011 Share Posted February 11, 2011 That is just one of many things that will melt your heart. Our grey Corky is 10 years old and we have had from a baby and she still comes up with new things to let you know she loves you. They never stop with their new adventures and new found emotions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
katana600 Posted February 11, 2011 Share Posted February 11, 2011 I will never grow jaded to this kind of "babbling", I feel like I am right there with you during this heartwarming exchange. So sweet. It is just one of the ways they get into your heart and tide you over to have patience when their exuberant play destroys one of your favorite things, LOL... like my little Java snatching the keys off my laptop and more recently destroying an object lens on my beloved kaleidoscope. I can't be annoyed when she puts her head in my hand and coos and purrs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
judygram Posted February 11, 2011 Share Posted February 11, 2011 What a little sweetheart Greyson is, he has pulled on your heartstrings big time, I am in awe of your wonderful relationship with this creature, count yourself very lucky for you have what some of us don't, thanks for sharing that specialness with us as we never tire of hearing how these birds amaze us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luvparrots Posted February 11, 2011 Share Posted February 11, 2011 What a lovely scene you and Greyson make in my mind's eye. How totally adorable. Congratulations on the bond you have with Greyson!!! Hooray! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sherrie Posted February 11, 2011 Author Share Posted February 11, 2011 Thank you so much for all the sweet replies-- Greyson is being UNUSALLY sweet (No changes with him and the hub's tho)-- IDK-- I know I havn't been feeling very well lately could he be picking up on that? He's been very vocal today, really practicing his "words" I know soon it's gonna shock the pants right off of me when he is really starts to talk- cant figure where the "purring" is coming from-- we dont have cats.... don't celebrate Valentine's day (I show how much I love and appreciate those I love everyday so dont need a special day to tell ppple I love them) maybe my little boy is just growing up-- He is the most tender, soft hearted,fella Ive ever known.....You can really tell when something's been done to him to hurt his feelings!! Are you sure there's not a little person hiding in a birdie suit???? lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morana Posted February 12, 2011 Share Posted February 12, 2011 Sherrie said: I know I haven't been feeling very well lately could he be picking up on that?l I'm sure he can. They are very sensitive to our moods and emotion. When I am sick, Zak sure does act differently. He is more gentle, cuddly and considerate towards me and he acts like he wants to protect me. You have a very good boy there, looking after you:-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Malikah Posted February 13, 2011 Share Posted February 13, 2011 Awww what a sweet present on his 5 month old hatchday! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sherrie Posted February 13, 2011 Author Share Posted February 13, 2011 Malikah said: Awww what a sweet present on his 5 month old hatchday! Hey you know you're right Malikah, I didn't even realize it either-- time is just flying by, it doesnt seem like he is that old now.. He's still being sweet and tender, I dont know what's going on with him but I sure am enjoying the heck out of it and will take all I can get cause I know it could change just as quick as he brought it on!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shoulderin Posted February 13, 2011 Share Posted February 13, 2011 Bodhi purrs all the time...very quietly when she is cuddling. Tonight I was watching a sappy hallmark movie and I started crying (go ahead and laugh at me -everyone does). Bodhi was sleeping on my shoulder and suddenly woke up and very gently started licking my tears. I swear she was trying to comfort me! I told her I was ok and thanked her and she went right back to sleep Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sherrie Posted February 13, 2011 Author Share Posted February 13, 2011 Oh my gosh I bet that made you tear up all over again too didn't it? It is just an indescribable feeling isn't it? Im not gonna laugh at ya cause ya cry at all the ole sappy Hallmark movies cause I do the same thing! Just shows that we got a lot of love in our heart's and souls!!! (that's what I tell my hubby all the time anyway!) At what age did Bodhi start to purr? This is something that Greyson just started doing and he does it only when cuddling. I hope he doesnt grow out of this cuddling stage, I am really enjoying it !!! (I hope that didn't sound TOO selfish!) It is really an awesome thing to hear of the friendships ppl have with their greys- just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling all over ------------- Oh wait---------- nope--------.Whew...... thought I peed my pants:eek: but Im ok!!!!:p:p lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shoulderin Posted February 15, 2011 Share Posted February 15, 2011 Haha! She has purred since I brought her home at 8 weeks. She has been cuddly since day one but I have spent a lot of time with her on my shoulder which some people think is not so good. I have also been working on touching her and holding her in weird positions...yes I am eccentric...but she now lets me hold her with her back balanced on the palm of my hand and also upside-down. When she doesn't like something she growls and squaKs but forgives quickly. She is a riot! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sherrie Posted February 15, 2011 Author Share Posted February 15, 2011 I see we would get along really great! Eccentric is my middle name!!!!! that's how I got Greyson to be such a character, when he was just a baby, I would make sure he got used to being touched all over his body and held in unusual positions, now at 5 mos old, I can pretty much do anything with him without the drama!!! I bet Bodhi and Greyson would get along real good too!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shoulderin Posted February 15, 2011 Share Posted February 15, 2011 Where did you get Greyson? Bodhi was born 9/30/10 so is just a couple of weeks younger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sherrie Posted February 15, 2011 Author Share Posted February 15, 2011 REALLY<<<? That is so cool. Sounds like we were really blessed with 2 very special little babies!!!! We can have a Birthday celebration for the two of them together!!!!!! I actually got him as an early birthday present from my loving wonderful hubby! I was so grief stricken by losing Robyn that my husband really couldn't bear to see me that sad anymore- It was so difficult to be in the livingroom and it was so deathly quiet, even with the tv blaring-- I just couldn't bear it---- but he did the only thing that he knew to do, He knew I had always wanted a Grey, in fact we were looking at baby greys when I came across Robyn's demise and I had to rescue him------I had told him to please do not go and get me another bird (whenever any of my pets have passed, he would go right out an get another) But I knew I was just not willing to open up and didn't think I'd ever have another friend like my Robbie..... But he did it anyway and the rest is history, I can't imagine life without Greyson now... (Robbie has been gone 6 mos yesterday) There is only 1 reputable breeder that I trust in this big ole city of ours and it's called Birds by Veta (I hope Im allowed to say that) about 30 miles from my home! I have accquired birds from her before and trust her with every breath taken-- She was really wonderful, she knew of my health history and with careful screening of myself (even tho she knew me somewhat) she let me take Greyson home at 6 wks old so I could start the bonding processs with him. She has even come to my house to visit with Greyson (to check up on him,,,lol) and was pleased with how well he was doing- She sd she usually will not let a baby go home until completely weaned and if there is ANYTHING "off" about the person wanting a bird, she will not sell them a bird...PERIOD!!!! but she felt really confident in my abilities---I would reccommend her hands down from anyone else in the Columbia area!! She does have a website- Im not sure if I can give it to you on here but if you PM me I will be happy to give it to you! Can I ask you how much Bodhi weighs? Greyson just topped 417gms yesterday! but the vet sd he was really small for his age but weight appropriate for his size-- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shoulderin Posted February 18, 2011 Share Posted February 18, 2011 Hi, I just weighed Bodhi and she weighs only 396 grams! Last time I weighed her she was a little heavier but that was before she was weaned. When I took her to our local bird shop they all commented how petite she was in general and at our vet visit she was about 417 grams and the vet said she was perfect in weight. I'm glad you asked me! I will now check more often. She is a picky eater like I said before. She is not big on most fruits or nuts! I give her a variety of things and she will always taste them but never shows enthusiasm. I try new things all the time hoping to find something she's excited about. I am sure she is healthy though! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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