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i'm pretty sure Ruby just said her first word!


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Ruby, my CAG is 4mos. we've had her for about a month now. so far she imitates clicking noises and kissing sounds that we do. i was putting food in her cage while she was across the room on her perch just now and she got all excited and started making her clicking noises and i was doing them back, and then clear as day, i hear her go "hello". totally threw me for a loop. i thought they don't start talking until about a year old.


has anyone else's grey ever started talking this early? or am i just crazy and apparently i'm hearing things ;)

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Hi Ruby!!!! YES.. they are magnificent creatures!!! and NO youre not crazy.. well at least no more than the rest of us !!!!!! Greyson actually said his 1st word at 9 1/2 weeks old! (no one believed me so I recorded it!!!) and would say it everytime I got close to him but has not sd it since he has learned that whistling is alot more fun!! When he first sd it. of course it was not a very plain human voice "HELLO" but you could def make out what he was saying! He will be 5 mos old on 2/11..... the more talking you do with Ruby the more she will be encouraged to talk with you.. His vocabulary now consists of .. the pretty whistle. whistling for the dogs, parts of Jingle bells, kisses,the dog's squeaky ball, a few other noises that I just call "Greyson noise" and "aht,aht,aht.(you know when you don't want them to do something and you make that noise for them to stop, that's the best way I know to spell it...lol!!!... He "practices" everyday with his "talking" daily.. once in the early afternoon and again around 8pm.. Im not sure but thought he said "Hi big boy" which is what I say to him everytime I pass him. Just keep talking with Ruby tho, I agree with the whistling thing tho (that you shouldn't encourage whistling until they are really talking) cause he finds this really entertaining for him but I know in time he will "talk" cause he listens so intently(sp)and just stares at me in amazement when I start talking to him,,it's like he's just processing it for a later time!! With Ruby talking at such a young age just shows you that she is really anxious to start communicating with you and she really loves you,,so keep up the good work!!!

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