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Rebel has changed her name....


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It's like keeping up with a 2 year old here.


Rebel is now officially "Marvin", but only in the morning.


I know it's my fault because I talk to her as I'm giving her her breakie and say things like..."are you a starvin marvin".....


Now every morning as soon as she hears the first noise, she screams..."Marvin....Marvin here......"


In the evening she is back to sweet little Rebel.


I don't think I like Marvin much at all......so demanding!!!

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Too funny! I love it! I guess that just goes to show us they may say anything. I say starvin Marvin too but Finney doesn't that she always says 'Dinner...Dinner'. We don't know Finney's sex but she started calling herself Mr. Finney Foo. ?????Maybe she is trying to tell us something.

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Rebel has many voices/personalities. It's amazing how she can go from being a normal bird to being such a suck up as soon as "Paa Paa" walks in the door. When he is there she only has eyes for him. I'm not even good enough to bite anymore. She loves her "Paa Paa"!!


And the Voices.....She sounds like me sometimes and like her beloved "Paa Paa" sometimes, but I'll never forget the day that I was sitting at the computer and I hear this horrible demonic voice saying.." I ammmm Rebel". It was very low and scarey. I turned around and said, yes you are and you are staying in that cage..... She's done it a few times and it's frightning to hear. I like her sweet voice!!

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Hee-hee, as to the original post, I couldn't help but laugh at thinking of your Rebel calling herself 'Marvin' in the mornings like that, so funny!


And the Voices.....She sounds like me sometimes and like her beloved "Paa Paa" sometimes, but I'll never forget the day that I was sitting at the computer and I hear this horrible demonic voice saying.." I ammmm Rebel". It was very low and scarey. I turned around and said, yes you are and you are staying in that cage..... She's done it a few times and it's frightning to hear. I like her sweet voice!!


We really have to wonder at our Marcus' background sometimes, so much of it is unknown. But if it makes you feel any better about your Rebel and her scary voice, every once in a while Marcus will be in his cage and start screaming--like someone in a video game is getting killed in a horrible way or something! :(


When we first heard it, we were like "What is that?!" and some guests have said it's "creepy" to hear. I'm used to it now so it's almost kind of funny, but it makes me wonder what they exposed him to before we adopted him, sigh...

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