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Help - inapproriate noise issue


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Hi Guys,


Wonder if you can help, Wallace has now become very attached to us (especially me) and the problem I have is that

the second I leave the room, sqwaking begins even if I am just going into the kitchen or to the bathroom

and when i go to work in the evenings wallace just wont stop sqwaking (driving the misssus nuts)

We have tried ignoring it and it seems that wallace just does not get bored of it , we don't shout or get angry as this just induces it as fun to do, we have tried rewarding good noises and nice behavior but how can i attempt to

get wallace to be quiet when I am not in the room?

I am tempted to try using a water pistol when the nasty nooise is made and a piece of nut when they good noises are made to reenforce nice to nice and naughty to naughty as I am down to last resorts

any help anyone?

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Personally, I would really avoid the water pistol route, that just seems a bit harsh... If one of our boys gets squawky for no apparent reason other than they want to be loud, I often just turn on the radio (low) and shut the door for a little bit, telling them "I'll be back later, right now you're too loud." I think they have been making the connection that it's not as nice to be as loud like that (because Marcus sometimes actually does it to irritate me, I think, if he's mad that I put him back in his cage or something). But oftentimes if I just do that they'll quiet down in a few minutes, and then I turn off the radio and talk to them for a little and give them some food or a new toy or something, and we have peace for a little while longer at least.


But I do know what you're saying about the squawking-leaving-the-room thing, because our Quaker parrot, Beaker, will do that for my husband. Some nights he'll only be quiet if he puts him on his shoulder, he's quite the velcro bird when it comes to my husband. But sometimes he can't do that so we opt for the radio/shut the door scenario, and like I said that usually makes Beaker quiet down even just a little bit.

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Oh boy, this is always a tough behavior to break, but with patience and consistency, it can be done. I would refrain from the water pistol tho........


When you are about to leave the room, can you use distraction by giving a treat that requires some work, or a special off limit toy perhaps? Ignoring the behavior is the best and will over time work, but it will take a long time. Perhaps the tv for distraction? My birds get very quiet when. The house is quiet, but some birds don't like loud noises and will get quiet, perhaps the tv up loud might work also.

When I leave one of my birds, I g et very excited about a distraction toy or treat as I go near them and try and keep it from them, they work to take it away from me and then feel like it's forbidden and concentrate on it as I walk away and tell them I'll be back soon, which they now repeat when I leave.

Good luck and keep us posted on what works.

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Sometimes all they want is reassurance that you are still nearby even though they can't see you, why not call back and say you are still here and let him know that.

Is Wallace an only bird? If so it may help to get another bird for some just do not like being left alone and even though they won't share the same cage they are in the same room and then you have more of a flock versus a lone bird, just a suggestion.

Basically ignoring the behavior is the only route but it takes time and it can get worse before it gets better.

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Hi to you and Wallace. I always tell my birds where I am going when I leave the room or the house. They seem to understand. If they call out to me, I answer back if I am home and that quiets them down. They just like to know they are not forgotten. Ana Grey now says, "I'll be back" when I leave a room. I always tell them when I come back home so now they understand the routine. Toys help to entertain our greys when they are left alone. Ana Grey especially likes to chew on wooden toys. Toys that make noise are also well-liked toys in this household.

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In order to use a water pistol you would have to come back to the bird while he's squawking and that would accomplish his purpose in squawking. I agree that maybe just stay in the next room where you are and speak to him. Tobie yells "Hey Jan" - isn't that funny. I always respond with "What" or something and it is enough to satisfy him.

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Oh, tnx. I have one of those too! Lol

I am studying these days and it seems I cannot do it without Zakica in my lap. No wait!,..no,.. I am SURE I can't study without Zakica. Think whole world would come crushing down if I would leave him in another room while studying .Lol

That's velcro, right!? Lool

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This really is a hard behaviour to break. You will only truly succeed if every human in the household is 100% consistent with their response. I would recommend you do a forum search and read through Reggieroo's threads. He had the exact same problem with Murphy, and was successful in stopping it. Maybe PM him as well. I'm sure he wouldn't mind paying it forward. Have faith, it can absolutely be done, I promise.

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I don't mind it because I am the only one home for the most part of the day so Zak doesn't really have a choice. I think he loves my boyfriend better, but Zvone comes home late and wants a bit of the time for himself so I gladly take Zak with me. Since I have physical therapy, I tutor, clean the house and cook, the only time left is for studying so I play with Zak at the same time because till I graduate I can't offer much more. We play a bit during the day but not so much now, so I try to compensate this way. It is a velcro time for us;-) I'll be sure to act differently when this situation with college finishes. We didn't have problem with Zak being a velcro bird before so I hope there wont be permanent changes now either:-) It was more of a joke... in a way.. and in another, I know he wants to be with me much more than he did before. But I think this has something to do with our relationship. It is a new bonding era for us. I want to be much more with him because he changed a lot right along with me so we "click" better together, play better together and I don't want to miss that:-) I know I won't allow him to become a velcro, but for now, I can't resist his cuddly sweet nature.

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