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DSCN3869.jpg Yogi and Rascal sitting on the sofa. I heard a racket and came in to find the two of them sitting on the back of the sofa, Yogi yelling "Hey, hey" at the squirrels outside of the window!!! Yogi just loves Rascal and you can frequently hear him calling, "Rascal, hey Rascal, here kitty kitty, come here!"
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Until just a month ago I had two cats. Rascal and Biscuit. Biscuit was a grey cat and Yogi knew which cat was which. I used to take them to him and pat them on the head while saying each cat's name. It wasn't long before he was saying Biscuit and Rascal. When he called them, if Biscuit showed up he would then call for Rascal, but stop calling Biscuit. Both cats would come when he called. Yogi knows I am "mama" (he calls me frequently, LOL) and knows his fruits and veggies (he will ask for them by name and if you don't give him what he says, he'll throw what you give him on the floor) and that his toes taste like chicken. He learned his name early on, and then we moved on to body parts. He'll lift a foot when you ask to see his toes, and when he did that I used to "nibble" at them and say "mmmm, tastes like chicken.." About a month ago he was sitting on top of his cage chattering like he does, there was a brief moment of silence, then quite plainly said "Yogi toes taste like chicken" I'd never used that sentence with him! He put that together himself, and I'm quite amazed. He can differentiate where I'm going by how I'm dressed when I tell him "Gotta go". If I'm in scrubs he'll say "gotta go to work" if its jeans he simply says "gotta go bye bye...."

Edited by Yogi Birda
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Rascal is the strangest cat. He has not shown the slightest interest in having bird snacks. He will occasionally try to stroke a tail with his foot or rub his head on Yogi but thats it. Yogi is fully flighted and quite the little aviator. He will spot rascal across the room and dive bomb him, land, call "here kitty kitty" and fly back to his cage. Meanwhile poor Rascal is running for cover.

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Hihihihi... You really make my laugh! :-D

Great stories! You have a very smart little birdie! And very pretty at that too:-)

Love to hear more stories about yogi.

Just a word of caution.. Maybe Rascal is not interested in Yogi now, but never the less, Rascal is a cat and has instincts, so just keep an eye on your kitties while Yogi is around;-)

PS: what happened to Biscuit?

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Morana, Biscuit had cancer and we had to let him go as he was beginning to experience quite a bit of pain. I do keep an eye on the gang when everyone is out and about in the house, and Yogi and Rocky are always back to their cages if I go outside.

Sherrie, Yogi is a BRAT today, LOL!!!! Into everything, just like a bored toddler who needs a nap. He's currently destroying his new TP tube toy I just made for him.

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Here are a couple of Biscuit and Rascal. They loved to look out the window at the squirrels. It was olympic level kitty wrestling in our house every night. They would hide and leap out at each other from all over the house. Rascal would roll onto his back and just taunt Biscuit until he would pounce on him, then Rascal would flip him over with his legs.



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Thank you. I miss him so much, he was a great kitty! I see you are in Croatia. My daughter studied at the Miami University (of Ohio) European Center in Luxembourg her senior year. One of her favorite places to visit was Dubrovnik. She spent time there on several of her school holidays and she plans on taking me there to vacation one day.

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The world is so small! :-)

Well, Dubrovnik is very beautiful. I'm more of an island person myself, tho. I spend my vacations at Mali Losinj, and it is my favorite place in the world! ;-) I'll try to take some time to put some pictures up in my profile so you'll see what am I talking about ;-),


Your daughter ought to come to Zagreb first (when she traveled to Dubrovnik), right? So if you are ever in the neighborhood, I'd like to meet you. Show you Zagreb around, if you'd like?:-)

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