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Wanted: Food Suggestions for a Birdsitter


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Hi all,


Going on vacation in two weeks. My mom is coming over and taking care of the dog and bird. The dog loves her, the bird hates her (my mom aggresively sought Took's affection in the beginning instead of letting her adjust first, now Took hates my mom).


Looking for some food suggestions for my mom to feed Took. I usually give her fruit and veggies in one bowl and a cooked pellet mash in the other. I don;t think my mom is going to sit there and cook the bird food every night.


What are some easy food dishes that I can have my mom feed Took?



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If you use the microwave suggestion, make SURE and stress to your mom to stir the food and test it to make sure it is not at all hot. I've heard horror stories of pet-sitters, and even regular bird-owners, accidentally burning their bird's crop with micro'ed food.

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You can buy freeze dried fruit and veggie mixes for her to put in snack bowls. No cooking or mess. Also, some uncoiled egg noodles are favorites of my birds. How about some treats wrapped up in cupcake papers? It will give your bird something to do to kill the time also.

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Talon- do you cook the noodles or serve them uncooked? Took doesn't seem to like any "hard" foods other than almonds and walnuts. Everything has to be juicy or somewhat softened for her. She is so picky!


Yes, I also very worried about leaving her in the cage for a week. My mom can't let her out, she will never get Took back in. Took has never gone more than 1 day without being out of her cage. My mom will clean the cage because parts come out, but poor Took will not be allowed out. I am very worried-- should i ask for advice in another forum?

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My mother watches my fids when I go away for a week and she's not at all comfortable letting the birds out, even though they all love her. I prepare their daily "dry" foods into zip lock bags and label, their fresh veggies I prepare the same way and refrigerate. Mine love mixed veggies with rice or noodles. I would never expect Mom to "cook" for the birds in the same manner that we do, but she doesn't mind warming them up in the microwave. Preportioned with exact warming times (do the homework) can prevent the risk of injury, however, all foods must be stirred and checked for hotspots.


Mine all hate the idea of being in a cage only while I'm away, but Mom sits with them and reads to them or just talks to them and they have come to understand that this is a temporary situation and when "mommy" gets home life will get back to normal. Mom understands they are part of my family and she has "grandfids."



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Hi Munch,

You can instruct your mom to feed your took these items. These items are easy to prepare.

• Beans (cooked)

• Sprouted seeds

• Eggs (cooked)

• Yogurt

• Palm nuts

• Cheese (a small amount)

• Fresh vegetables and fruits

• Lentils (cooked)



Avoid chocolates, avocado, processed meet and any food items which contain alcohol.

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