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How do you shower your grey?


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Like many African Grey parrots, Coco used to be very water shy and used to absolutely hate getting wet! Over the years, I've managed to train him to the point where I can take him into the shower with me. We have a walk in shower pod and it has a built in radio, etc and also a seat for humans (where he sits).


Many of you may be wondering how I got him to the point where he'll happily sit there without throwing a fit.


I firstly started off by showering myself with him just outside the shower pod. This not only shows him that the water will not harm me, but it shows him how much I enjoy it. Once he had seen me in there a good few times, I seated him inside the shower pod (which he really didn't like!). The first few times I turned the water on, he went a bit crazy. I think I remember him growling slightly and looking on edge, but eventually he got used to it! Now I can happily shower myself and then position the shower head ontop of him so water falls directly onto him.


Now please if you do attempt to shower your grey in this way, do not put them in direct contact with the shower head. Some of these can be very powerful and may harm them. They also may not like the direct contact and it most certainly will scare them.


I always position the water against the pod ontop of him so water falls down onto him. After he's a little wet, he sits there and makes cute noises. :)


It does require trust from your grey, but it's definitely possible. Once Coco is wet, I sit down and touch my nose to his beak as if a partner would in the wet rain forests.


Well I hope this helps. It really is a great way to shower your grey and have some company in the shower whilst you're in the process!

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Took hates water. I tried a whole bunch of different ways but finally found a way to compromise. She sits on my should while I shower and I rub her head and neck. She used to never let the water get through her water proof back, but I found that give her some head scratches and belly scratches while sitting on my shoulder works for both of us. She gets wet and she isn't miserable. She stopped the screeching and stopped hating me afterwards (oooh, there was post shower vengence going on). In fact, now she flaps her wings for me when we are done and expects me to cheer and praise her on-- "nice flapping, lovely wings, you"re so beautiful!"


That's our Sunday morning ritual. The other days she will keep me company while I shower and she will watch.

Edited by munch
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I take Tui in with me and she prefers it if I take the shower head off and shower her. If I just hold her under the water and the shower head is in its normal position, she hates it. But if she can see me holding the shower head, she's okay. She's doesn't particularly like the shower, but she stands it and growls a little as I do it. I've tried every method of washing her and she hates every single one so I now just take her in the shower and lift the head off.

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Great idea Ray. :)


Dayo hates showers or any water activity he does not control. When he's ready, he will hop in a large stainless water bowl made for dogs and get soaked. I mist him in his cage with aloe and also in the spring and summer months roll him in the cage outside and wash both at the same time. He hates the shower, but loves being outside.

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When i first got my grey i just misted him, i found he did not get that wet. So i took him in the shower with me, and let him walk around that was the first time he really got soaked, He does not get mad anymore when he goes in. I put a towel in the dryer before i go in then take it out and wrap it around him when we are done, he loves that.

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