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Good morning all on this fine Super Bowl Sunday! Just wanted to introduce myself...am excited to connect with other grey lovers. My name is Alissia, and my SO Noelle and I have an almost year-old grey named Linus, who is just the sweetest little guy. Unfortunately right now he is fighting for his life...and we are praying every day for his recovery. Anyway, just wanted to say hello, and look forward to connecting with you all!

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Hello Alissia and welcome to our family, so sorry to hear that Linus is fighting for his life, maybe if it is not prying too much you could tell us what happened to him or why he is in this struggle right now as we like to lend moral support to any of our members with birds in any kind of stress.

I assume that is Linus in your avatar, he looks like a handsome fella and if you have other pictures of him you would share with us we would love to see them.

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Thank you all for your kind words and support. About 5 weeks ago Linus went into liver failure, requiring surgery/liver biopsy. He has had several crop infections since he was a little guy however always seemed to bounce back. After surgery, unfortunately, he has not. Looks like Aspergillosis. He is hospitalized right now, being tube fed and given IV fluids, and we just hope his new regimen of treatment does the trick. The next 48 hours will be critical...the difference between him thriving, or leaving this lifetime. We pray for the former, but right now, it is really hour to hour. We are devastated, but keep the faith. He is strong.

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A BIG Thank You to you all who have kept Linus in your prayers. Was just notified by our vet today...Linus may be coming home in the next day or two!!!! It is nothing short of a miracle...and his first Hatch Day is tomorrow! We're really excited, but understand that we are going to have our work cut out for us...

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