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GREYSON- confident to baby in less than 15 seconds!


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The other day, I was making Greyson's "Birdie Bread" for some reason he got really excited about it, which he normally doesn't. He kept fluttering his wings and making little noises at me and I was talking to him telling him all about what I was doing. He suddenly flew down to the floor into the kitchen. Well normally when he goes to the floor, I immed get him and put him back in his room (cage) or on his tower but this time I didn't, I was curious to see what he would do. So Im talking to him and he's looking at me like "why aren't you running over here to get me?" :confused:

After about a min or so, he mosy'd up to me and commenced to climbing up my pants leg, (he'd never done that before) made it all the way up to my shirt and to my shoulder (he has never been on my shoulder and normally I don't allow it) but I let him stay there and I finished putting the bread mix together. I thought oh Wow, my little boy is growing up..Yeaaaa me!!

I put jars of baby food in my bread and thought that he would like a taste of them and decided to put a little smidget of each into his little treat bowl...

OMG he loved it and ate every bit of it........but when it was all gone, he immed began his "baby" noises that he did when he was being hand fed and he continued this until late into the nite. If he was in his cage, he made his big boy sounds but when he went back to his tower, (which is where he ate the baby food) he would revert back to making baby noises and scrunch his little body up and flap his wings like when he was just a baby at feeding time.. He is not doing this as much today but everytime I rub his beak now, he reverts back to being a baby (Like my fingers are a mommie beak and he is being fed) ( I hope I'm making sense)

The only thing I can think of is that the texture of the baby food is the same texture as his handfeeding formula and this reminded him of it.

So here I am feeling really bad that in 15 seconds Greyson went from being a strong extremely confident young boy to reverting back to being just a little baby!!! OH MY what have I done???:eek:

Is this pretty typical for a 5 month old to revert back like that? (he will be 5 mos. old on 2/11) I have to admit that it is really cute but I do not want to encourage the behaviour although it is really hard not to laugh cause it is just so darn cute!!! :D:p:o;)

Please forgive me for the length of my stories, I get carried away sometimes and it's really hard to post one liners for me:D

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i don't have my grey yet, but i can tell you about my peach front conure, athena. she'll be 8 years old this month (wow, that's gone way too fast, lol) and she'll do her "baby" routine on and off, even now! she'll lean forward, make little sounds, and flutter her wings. she'll do this sometimes just for attention and sometimes for a taste of what we're eating. i think its adorable as she was weaned when i got her and didn't have any "baby" time with her. but i am curious to know if this is ok for a grey to do, since within the next week or so, we'll finally be bringing our grey home. she's 2 1/2 years old and it'd be good to know if this is something to enjoy or something to try and avoid, so to speak.

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Some greys will enjoy a hand feeding the rest of their lives. In the wild adult mature "Couples" feed each otherm both when the female is sitting on eggs and at other times as well. You can get the "Jackhammer" reaction anytine you wish by simply placing your fingers at the back fleshy part of the beak connection. It really has nothing to do with reverting back to being a baby, your grey is just being a bird by instinct. :)


Baby food is the consistency of birds regurgitating for one another and especially if it's warm they love it.

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If he enjoys it then why not continue, I have spoon fed my grey and conure oatmeal before, they loved it and it keeps them used to eating with a spoon which may come in handy one day when I may have to give meds for some reason, like Dan I don't think Greyson is reverting back to being a baby.

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