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I found an egg...


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So one of my lorikeets laid her first egg sometime during the night. I found it in the cage this morning, stone cold.


Previously I had already removed the newspaper I used for lining the cage, as Sam was making nests with it, and I didn't want to encourage it. It was replaced by wood shavings, but she is still kicking and digging, trying to nest.


I will get some special food and supplements today to replace the calcium and other bits she might be losing whilst laying.


Any advice on how I can discourage further laying would be much appreciated. I tried separating Sam from the other lorikeet, but since they are pair bonded this appeared very traumatic to them both, with lots of calling out, screaming and flapping around the respective cages.


Also, if she lays any more eggs, do I just leave them in there to discourage further laying, and if so, for how long before they go off?


Thanks guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...

For now, don't remove anything that has to do with nesting and while she's not looking, replace the egg with an artificial egg which can be had in petstores. If you keep taking the eggs out as she lays them, she'll only replace it with another one. If there's eggs in there ( artificial) she''l pay attention to sitting on them and stop laying the eggs. With lories, keep the artifical eggs with her for about 25 to 28 days.

Normally, they don't have more than 3 eggs in a clutch.

Edited by Dave007
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  • 1 month later...



There are few ways how you can discourage your lorikeet from laying anymore eggs. Try them and see.


1. As you have mentioned you have separated Sam from her pair, it is really a good idea, just to stop her from provoking towards sex. It will just throw her mind off.


2. You can even try changing the surrounding of the cage by moving the cage around or place it in another location also gives her an odd feeling.


3. If you wish you can even try hormonal therapy which will cease the egg-laying.


4. Birds begin to lay eggs as spring approaches, and as the days get longer. So try to stimulate winter. Keep the cage complete darkness for 16 hours and daylight for 8 hours. Continue this for 2-3 weeks.


5. Do not pet your bird by touching. This might stimulate them.


Note: Don't ever push her belly. You could break the egg inside her and kill her. Give her some balanced diet.

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