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How hard does your grey play?


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For a while, I have noticed Jasper's tail feathers are a bit... raggaly (new word? lol) and thought, well, maybe he's an over preener on his tail feathers...


Nope!!! It's because of how hard he plays!


I was watching him play...and he started playing pretty hard that he didn't notice (for a minute anyway) that his tail feathers were all but sticking out of the bars and at one point, his wing was through the bars... Then, his tail feathers were bent to were they were close to touching his belly!


I started to worry about what if he got his tail feathers or wing stuck while i was away (or even there?!?)


He's in a ok size cage, bar spacing is 1/2 in, has enough room to do whatever he needs, although i'd like for him to have a bigger cage! should i move his toys so he can't swing and swirl anywhere near the edge of his cage?


Or, is he normal...

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My grey loves her toys, but yes we have to be very diligent in keeping our birds' toys safe and well maintained. I keep only a couple of toys in Ana Grey's cage at a time and try to keep them more to the center/middle of the cage and then Ana Grey can bang them around all she wants. Be careful to check the locking devices to make sure they are tight and not unscrewed or loose. One of our members posted a thread about pear-shaped locks that her grey's beak got stuck in so I have made a check to see that I don't have those types around. My zon is very, very hard on his toys and enjoys figuring out how to unlock them; he can unscrew anything nut and bolt!!!! He is so destructive that he can shake a ceiling boing until it crashes to the floor. He loves doing this with all his toys and I have to be on guard all the time, he is never still.

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Dayo play's hard as well and tail fathers suffer at times. I swear he loses at least one a month and then presto chango, a new one has replaced it. He flies through the air with a toy ball or other item like a hawk with it in his talons. Sometimes the landing s don't go to well if he doesn't release the toy first. Also, he flips upside down and wrestles with them on his back, side etc. BIG FUN!!!

Edited by danmcq
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My mischief found a new super fun for himself. He hangs upside down from his booing, holding it with just one foot and with other one he holds his plastic screw and bolt. Everything would be fine if he just wouldn't think it is more important to swing and hold a bolt than to hang on to the rope. He already fell on his back!!!! once because he let go of the rope and not the screw and the bolt when he noticed he was slipping.. :-S And I don't know what to do about it.. He was fine..this time.. But what about next time?

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It wouldn't be the first time that boing AND Cleo go crashing to the floor. Well, the boing anyway, thank goodness Cleo is fully flighted! She unscrews the attachment, then goes for a swing. She unpicked a lot of the threads on the boing, so they hang down in large pieces of floss in 2 different spots. A good improvement as far as she's concerned, because she loves swinging from these pieces. Her tail feathers are a bit ragged too, as she loves to hang upside down by one foot, then grabs her tail feathers in a death grip with the other talon and just hangs there.


Here's a pic of the new and improved boing. You can just see the top of the other piece of rope she has loosened at the top of the photo:



Edited by Azzie
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Issac definitly gets into play mode. To the point where i am like covering up and wondering what is gonna happen next. He spins on his rope like a gymnist and then flies off of it, screaming like a pterodactyl and lands on the back of my chair poised behind my ear. At which point, he might try to rile me up by landing on my shoulder, tweaking my ear and flying off and then looking at me like, "Yeah...and what are you gonna do about it." Yeah...he thinks he is invinceable. Hard to believe the same bird will snuggle up to my face and sit on my knee for a nice preen or some loving scratches.

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Great picture! :-)

She unpicked a lot of the threads on the boing, so they hang down in large pieces of floss in 2 different spots. A good improvement as far as she's concerned, because she loves swinging from these pieces.



Just a word of caution. This threads could tangle around her feet and she could panic and hurt herself if during the game she notices that her foot is stuck.

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great stories!


Thanks for sharing! Azzie, when you said she had a death grip on her tail feathers, i also had seen Jasper do this last week! i was like, you can not stand anyone getting close to your tail feathers, yet here you have a death grip on them!

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He spins on his rope like a gymnist and then flies off of it, screaming like a pterodactyl and lands on the back of my chair poised behind my ear.


CRAZY!!! Silly bird! It's amazing what they can do while spinning and flying and jumping!

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