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HUGE rookie African Grey owner here! ALL tips will be great!!!!


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Hi there...getting a new grey is quite the adventure! How's it going so far?


If you haven't already, I would recommend a vet visit to ensure a clean bill of health. Also, did you pick up any books? If so, which ones? I found that reading, researching and talking to experienced bird owners were very helpful in navigating care for a new grey. And diet is critical, so when it's time to cross that bridge, be sure to do your homework.


Best of luck with your little guy!

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He/she is so cute! I remember how their eyes look when they are babies, they are very dark. They will change as he gets older. I have 2 birds myself. A TAG and a Cockatiel. I read as much as I could on them before I even went looking for one. There is alot to know. They are so smart. They seem to have a reason for everything they do and how they behave. I ALWAYS leave a radio on for them esp when I am gone. I read that the noise makes them feel safer, since in the wild, if there was a sign of danger everyone would be silent. The silence can be stressful to them for that reason. I sure am not an expert but I have had my Grey for 10yrs and Tiel for 13yrs. I love them both so much and can't imagine life w/o them. I will watch for any ?'s I can help answer. Good luck and congrats on your new baby! I named my Grey, Finney (short for Finale) since I hope we are together for the 'Grand Finale' in life (since they live for so long). I never really had to TRY to teach my bird to talk. She just picks up things she likes to hear that we say to her and each other. With that in mind, be careful what you say around them if you don't want them repeating it. I had heard they can very easily pick up curse words since most of those words are one syllable and said w/ such emphasis. It might be funny to hear birds say stuff like this but they won't always say things at the appropriate times. If you should ever have to give him up you want him to have enough manners to go to a good home. Hopefully this would never happen. Watch out for the Teflon cookware too. It can be deadly to birds if it is overheated. Once the bird inhales fumes from overheated Teflon I think it is too late. Check out the food lists of SAFE food you can give them too. It is best to learn everything you can and if ever in doubt don't do it until you find out. Good luck and congrats again! Val

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On the Zupreem, I give my Grey Pretty Bird Pellets for African Greys and the Zupreem. I give the colored pellets, which I just read are not the best because of the dyes in them. I will be trying the natural colored ones next time I buy some. Pellets are definately better than seed mixes. I give an occasional treat of a few seeds only. It is best to get them used to pellets and good things right away. just like a child, I suppose. If you never had it...you won't know what you're missing...right?

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thanks Val27 for sharing that info with me. And the zupreem that I bought was a fruity flavor so it did have color dye in them. I'll give the natural one a shot next time I go out to the pet store. Or I may just order some from the Harrison online.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone! Okay so my bird seems to have been doing fine since we last spoke! but the last two day i've been seeing something different! Yesterday I saw Picasso laying down on the bottom of the cage, on the rack. It look like he was actually stuck. But when I open the cage, it turned out he wasn't. Today I noticed it again. For some reason I thought that Parrots where always on Perches, even when sleeping. Do you all ever see your parrot laying at the bottom of the Cage? Or is this a sign of trouble? Please fill me in on your thought! thanks

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So, is he trying to pick food from the bottom of the tray or just lying there? How is he beside laying on the floor? Activities? Eating? Sleeping? Please post pictures.

If your bird is not acting normally (besides lying on the bottom of the cage)-not or hardly eating, he is not playful/cheerful as usual, not searching food down there, it is in my opinion a sign of trouble! In that case I recommend visiting you vet stat!

I'm not saying this to scare you but you asked and in my opinion it is better that you take this seriously and go to your avian vet and check.. I saw my last parrot lying on the bottom of the cage when he was very sick. Nor him, nor this one ever did something like that- ever!

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I just got back from the Vet. They check his poop, and said everything looks good. They also drew some blood, and will get the results in by WED. being that the weekend is right around the corner! The good thing is that Picasso is eating when I feed him in the Mornings and at night. They did give me some liquid meds to give him 2x a day. And the vet did prescribe some antibiotics to be on the safe side until the results come in. Ill post some pictures up in a bit. If I stand him on the perch, he will stand there, it just seems like he gets tired after a while. I'll keep you guys posted! Thanks for the input! Vet bill 149.00 (wow)! lol

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Hi everyone! Okay so my bird seems to have been doing fine since we last spoke! but the last two day i've been seeing something different! Yesterday I saw Picasso laying down on the bottom of the cage, on the rack. It look like he was actually stuck. But when I open the cage, it turned out he wasn't. Today I noticed it again. For some reason I thought that Parrots where always on Perches, even when sleeping. Do you all ever see your parrot laying at the bottom of the Cage? Or is this a sign of trouble? Please fill me in on your thought! thanks


Hey Tommy, NO it is not normal for a bird to be just sitting on the bottom of the cage! It is normally a sign of trouble... Has Picasso been acting "normal" otherwise? Is he sitting during the day, active, eating,drinking..etc..Im glad you got him to the vets for a check. Hopefully everything will be fine...Please keep us posted with his progress


On another thought tho----

I have noticed alot that when someone takes their little friend to the vet, often times vets will go ahead and give meds without 1st knowing what if anything is wrong-- I know that birds can go down quickly with an illness and meds might be needed immed to save them, because everyday would count.....but my confusion is isn't it just as dangerous to be giving your FID meds , possibly the wrong meds: without knowing what is going on? Im really on the fence with that one. I guess tha'ts why they are the vets and I am not huh?

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Picasso seems to be feeling better. After I got back from the vet, only once have I seem him slouching on his perch (its the picture where he looks like he is sleeping). Maybe it was a prank by Picasso for attention (an expensive one) I too had the same thoughts you did Sherrie on giving him meds without know what is wrong. But I guess they are meds that will do more good than harm.....who am I to argue with a vet. So here are the pics of Picasso I snapped after the "bottom of the cage" incident. Since then like I said he back to whistling to get my attention for breakfast and dinner! Feb16121.jpg, Feb16120.jpg, Feb16118.jpg, Feb16117.jpg

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What an adorable little guy!! He is so precious!!!! So did the vet give you any indication that something may be wrong tho? Im glad picasso's feeling better, It breaks my heart that they cant tell you what they're feeling and you feel so helpless. Is picasso getting any sun or uv lamp? sending birdie hugs and keep us posted.

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Welcome Tommy!! you got yourself a BEAUTIFUL baby there!!! Looks like my Jax! I never did see how old the baby is?? I myself is hand feeding a 9wk (this will be my 2nd bird doing this) I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bonding you get from it!!! Just be careful that your formula is NEVER too runny or TOO HOTT..this will cause MAJOR problems in their crop. I purchased a digital thermoter so I know exactly the correct temp. (b/t 102-110) also be very careful of hot spots....stir, stir, stir, and stir some more. Hope this helps ya a lil. Again welcome!!!!

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Thank you QP4CAG, I do check the temp on Picasso food with one of those point things for meat,lol whatever they are called but it aint digital thats for sure! Thanks for the tips, and welcoming! My CAG is about 13 weeks old, the seller told me he was about 10 wks old when I got it from him Feb 1. I still hand feed him a little in the morning and at night, but I'm cutting down on the serving so that he can start eating his pellets. About how much longer do you think I'll have to hand feed him? Last night I skipped it to see what he would do, and I was up till like 1 am and I could hear him tearing thru his pellets. When I normally feed him at night, the don't really go near the pellets. Thanks for your in put again!

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That's great that you now know what is wrong! I wish her a speedy recovery.............. What are they going to do for her? Is low white count a sign of infection? Is that why she was on the bottom alot? Im sorry for the question overload thrown at ya, but I like to inform myself with symptoms and signs of illness and what is the usual course of treatment when things happen... Hugs from Sherrie & Greyson

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