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Booda is unhappy? Odd positions in cage!


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We just got Booda a few weeks ago! We're so happy, she's fitting in nicely.

Within 24 hours of arriving home, she let everyone in the family pet her, she would step up to everyone and everything. She has a SUPER big cage -- I'm 6 foot 2, 180 lbs, and could almost sleep in it comfortably. Nice, thick, solid bars. We always keep fresh food (mainly pellets) and water available, with lots of fruits and veggies and things mixed in.

But she's never in her cage.. She's spoiled! She's always either on top of her cage, or on somebody. She only goes to her cage if nobody will be home, (almost never), or when she's sleeping.


So in theory she should be perfect.


But when she does get put in her cage, she doesn't make use of any of her toys, or perches.. She just hunkers in a corner.

For hours. The whole time she's in her cage, she just sits there, in that position. She'll stay there and not move for HOURS.

I'll try to post pictures first thing tomorrow.

But seriously, the positions she gets into look painful! She's like a contortionist!


Is this something to be worried about?

Edited by RBlass
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Is this something to be worried about?


Booda sounds like a wonderful grey enjoying her home with tons of freedom to roam about and interact with people and toys outside the cage. Most birds that are out as much as you describe use the cage time to just chill, do some preening and catch a few winks. If the rare occasion comes that they decide they want a little more playtime while in the cage, they will bat some toys around and may even do it just to get your attention. They get all they exercise and mental stimulation they need when they have as much out of cage time each day as you describe.


LOL @ positions being painful. Just wait, you'll see more that would break your legs or back that they do at times. :P

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She definitely sounds spoiled but since she is out most of the time she probably wants to just stay out and when she is in the cage she is sulking in the corner. I knew a grey who never wanted to be inside the cage and when caged he would go to a corner and put his feet on the sides and push up like he was trying to lift the cage top off to get out. I think in time this will resolve itself but for now do not worry too much about it since she gets quality time out with you and lots of interaction.

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Just a thought...- My Zak freezes (in strangest positions) if he is afraid of something (for example new toys) . Like, "If I don't move maybe I wont get noticed". Maybe it would be ok to learn your fid to play with toys outside the cage and then put them in. Maybe she is afraid of them?

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