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Musical Greys?


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I'm just wondering how many grey owners out there have beloved companions who like to make music? Certainly, a lot of our babies enjoy listening to music, and some of them dance :) but who has a grey who likes to make their own type of music?


I ask because Marcus seems to enjoy doing this in his own way. I've read that the Amazons are the true "singers" of the parrot world, but Marcus tries hard too! He's a bit tone deaf ;) but when we play certain types of music for him (he seems to have a preference for 80's female vocalists and hair bands) he'll kind of start bobbing his head and make these low, undulating notes: "Bweer... breer... bweeeeerrrrr...!"


He's also started making snapping noises during his favorite songs--occasionally he'll lift his foot like he's 'snapping' too and say "Whooo!" (haha, so cute!)--and although he really has a bad sense of rhythm still, we're working on it with him and he's getting a little better!


But what prompted this post was, earlier tonight I was spending time in the boys' room, and Beaker (Quaker parrot) was in his cage after spending special time with his daddy, but I had Marcus on his door perch with his cage door open. I started singing to him and petting his head, and when I ran out of our 'normal' songs I started singing some songs that we sing with our congregation. He got so lovey, and after maybe a half-hour of getting petted and being sung to, he decided to try and perform a duet with me! "Bweeer... bwrrrr... beeowrrrr...!" I just loved him to death for that!!


So what other closet musicians are out there bringing smiles to you and your families with their songs?

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Ana Grey does a little music pretty well. I have a little ditty that I do for my birds and Ana Grey and Louie have both been trying to imitate it. Ana Grey has gotten it down pretty well. She toots it out at least once a day, I'll try to get a recording of it. She does it mostly in the early AM before I get up. You might say she is my alarm clock!!!! LOL!

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Biscotti has been making up short little songs, I can't quite figure out what he is saying but he is definitely singing!! He just started doing this so I hope he continues & I can figure out the words he is using. It is SO sweet!! When I sing to him, every time there is a small pause he lets out a whoo!, so i guess that is his way of having a duet! :)

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Dayo loves music! All types in fact. Birds in general pay a ton of attention to the sounds they hear as it plays a vital roll in their daily lives. Dayo will dance, whistle, sing along with "Do Dee Do Dee Do's" and beatbox depending on the type of music and beat of it.


Here's just one example:

Edited by danmcq
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