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Wanna play? Yes, finally! (pics)


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Our little foster, Dorian, is really starting to blossom in his interaction outside of his cage! Quiet observation inside the cage = 4+ months. Perching on cage door for rubs has quickly transitioned just since the past week or so. Now for the past few evenings, he has flown onto a nearby shoulder. Then on Fri he decided the foot toys (jacks) were too cool to pass up! No longer are they just enjoyed by Sweetie Pie & Toby. Our patience + his pace = great strides in going from observing to active participation. How cool is that?!







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I second that comment of "Thats cool" and it just goes to show how some time and patience will bring greyt rewards and now you realize it was all worth it, he is coming out of his shell and unpacking his bags, he looks great there on the floor playing with the jacks, thanks for sharing the pictures with us and you are doing a greyt job.

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Absolutely thrilled for you and Dorian, especially Dorian!!!!! I look forward to hearing about more progress!!! Being patient is hard to do, believe me I know, so it is great to hear the rewards when patience is successful. Gives a person the will to keep being patient!!!! Big hug to you and Dorian.

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Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Bravo for you and the birdie!:-D Really cool!;-)

BTW, what are "jacks"? (and I do see the picture but still don't know what it is..)


"Jacks" are a game played with 10 of these shaped pieces & a ball. You toss them onto a flat surface, toss the ball up, grab 1 & catch the ball in the same hand as the jack after only 1 bounce. If you are successful at retrieving all 10 individually (called "one-sies") then you again toss them out & grab two (called "two-sies") ... and so on. If you miss, it's the other person's turn. The game continues until a player gets to "ten-sies" successfully to win. VERY old game that I learned to play 50+ yrs ago.

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I remember playing jacks, and I'm talking about when I was a kid in the 80's--so I'm sure somebody out there still plays with them, it's a fun game!


Those birdie-sized jacks are awesome, though. I just love your little Dorian, he is so beautifully photogenic and handsome... I want to give him the biggest hug, I'm so happy he's feeling so safe and happy with you! :)

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