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Feather breaking


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Uhg I did notice him chewing a feather today...


I take my Grey into the shower so it is not a bath so to say. I put his back under the shower stream for a few minutes. Is this sufficient, or do I actually need to submerge him in a shallow bowl/ sink of water?


Sorry about Monty, the way his feathers look on his wings is how my Grey looks, just not as severe. Hopefully we can both get our back to normal!

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Just a thought about submerging a bird is scary to me! I wouldn't suggest that. Try spraying the bird, simulate the rain.

IMO it is not enough to put his back under the shower stream for a few minutes. When my Zak doesn't want to bathe and I know he must, I even resort to putting him (with the cage) in the shower and shower him all over (like rain) and he stays dry after an hour of this if he doesn't want to fluff up., So few minuter will surely not get him soaked if he is not fluffed up and willing to bathe. If he fluffs up than he probably wants to bathe and few minutes is still not enough. Zak and I have our ritual of spraying till he is so soaked he doesn't want to do it any more and it takes quite a while- maybe 15-20 minutes (I don't ever look at the clock so I couldn't say exactly), but it takes an hour altogether. He is not ready for bathing the minute I start spraying him. We have our routine till he gets in the mood, then he fluffs and the fun starts. Also I spray him a lot from in front of him. I don't spray his head this way too much because water gets to his nose and bothers him but it is probably the only way to get him soaked under the wings and on the chest. I spray his "shorts" from in front/below him kind of angle.

The bird must be soaked under the wings, her shorts, chest...(please help with right terminology) not only on his back.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I have been giving him good showers where he is drenched but he is still not opening up his wings so I know under his wings and the folds of his wings are not getting as wet as they could be. He is continuing to break of his wing feathers and he looks like shit now. The more this goes on the more I feel like I am not up for this. I've spent thousands on him and have pretty much regulated most of my free time to him. I may find another grey owner to give him to. Obviously I am not able to provide him with what he needs to be happy. This is too much.

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I am sorry to hear this. This IS a fixable problem! Also, a lovable bird, missing a few feathers, is still a treasure. Please ask more questions and the knowledgable people on this forum will help you. We are ALL here to help you. Don't feel alone and frustrated, we are here to assist you.

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dave, regarding the avitec site. what other products do you use or would you recommend from the page you cited? my conure is a plucker, i'm tired of seeing her in her grey undershirt, lol! we've tried lots of stuff and she checks out fine at the vet. our new grey stress picks a small area on her neck. she's not made it any bigger, but i'd like to intervene. she also checks out fine at the vet. there are several interesting items on that page and i'd just like some input to do the best for our conure and grey. thanks much in advance!! :)

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dave, regarding the avitec site. what other products do you use or would you recommend from the page you cited? my conure is a plucker, i'm tired of seeing her in her grey undershirt, lol! we've tried lots of stuff and she checks out fine at the vet. our new grey stress picks a small area on her neck. she's not made it any bigger, but i'd like to intervene. she also checks out fine at the vet. there are several interesting items on that page and i'd just like some input to do the best for our conure and grey. thanks much in advance!! :)



Personally, I recommended that particular product specifically because it's for birds that pluck their body feathers, not chew or snap or crack the outer waterproof feathers. The most serious plucking is always on the body (breast, neck, legs, near vent areas, the feathers that are under the wings by the body, soft feathers under the upper back feathers) All of these feathers aren't waterproof and those are the feathers that are easiest to treat. Nothing penetrates waterproof feathers so either the bird is a chronic chewer that likes to chew, pull, snap wing and tail feathers and will never stop OR the bird is an acute plucker who does the same thing but will eventually stop that habit.

The item I recommend is much stronger that any aloe juice. Aloe juice is good up to a point. Afterward a more specific product is needed to treat that problem. I'm not saying it's the only good product out there, I'm just saying that I and others have had great success with it.

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so the other stuff on that page, ie. avicalm, featherific, avipollen, etc would not be something to try in addition to the spray? just curious, i don't want to get something that either isn't good for my birds, or is a huge waste of money.

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so the other stuff on that page, ie. avicalm, featherific, avipollen, etc would not be something to try in addition to the spray? just curious, i don't want to get something that either isn't good for my birds, or is a huge waste of money.



I'll say it again----even though there's other products at that site, that particular item on that page is the proper one to get concerning your problem.

You said spray.

I recommended that a person should get the powdered form. The 3 items in that one picture are all the same product.


One is a jar of the powder and it's 8 oz---a person mixes it when it needs to be used

One is a jar of the powder and it's 16 oz---a person mixes it when it needs to be used

The last one is a spray which is already mixed which I don't recommend because after using the contents of the spray bottle, if a person needs more they would have to reorder it. The 2 different sized powder sizes will last approx 8 mts to 1 1/2 yrs and with certain amounts of usage by people, it may last a much longer time than that. If the other products in the catalog were good for your particular problem, I would have already said so.

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